A Study of Dragons

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Hello, my dear readers!

How are you doing? I'm doing well, thank you for asking (mentally, and if not, then you should gather some manners, thank you). Here is yet another chapter of this story and I hope you are all enjoying this journey as much as I am! Here's to another Tuesday and another update!

-Ally Layne.

BTW please follow me I'm desperate. 

Or not, that's fine too I guess. 

Disclaimer: There are pieces of this chapter that do not belong to me, such as the characters of Glorfindel, Annabeth, Clarisse, Rachel, Selina, Chris, etc. as well as phrases taken from the book, The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan (pp.292-5). 

Happy reading!


Upon entering the dining hall, I was immediately thrust back in time to the mess hall at camp. There were many different tables of different misfits that instead of dining with their families often came here.

Therefore, the dining hall often contained various classes of bachelors and bachelorettes vying for the attention of one another.

It was just like high school, to be honest.

But this time, it was lit with various sconces of size and shape and held the same beautiful and natural architecture of the rest of Imladris. Plus, there was always a trio of elves playing various instruments from the hours 4-7 pm according to Arwen.

Glorfindel led me to the table, where food had suddenly appeared from a few elvish servers that seemed to practically dote on the blond Lord. I'll admit- I was a few batted eyelashes and rosy blushes away from walking out, but luckily Goldilocks realized I reached my threshold of obnoxious female behavior.

"Thank you, we kindly appreciate you bringing us our meals this evening," Glorfindel told them in his silken voice. "Now, if you would not mind, I would like to be able to enjoy this in peace."

Dayum, the Lord has spoken. And not too soon, or I thought the two ellyth would have started to give him a striptease.

"Thanks," I muttered to the elf across the table, who had immediately turned his full attention to me.

His smile was radiant. "You need not thank me for that. It is quite annoying how often that happens, do you not think?"

I raised a brow and took a sip of the mead that had been offered, but nearly choked on how strong it actually tasted. I could tell that he was trying not to laugh but ended up failing.

"Yeah, laugh it up, Goldfish. Not all of us can be so majestic."

His eyes darkened slightly as his grin only widened further. "You believe me to be majestic?"

I rolled my eyes, but the blush on my cheeks totally gave me away.

"Oh, you do! Why is it that you think I am majestic, Nemir?"

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