My New Pal, Bud

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It found me again.

I'm never going to get out of here alive.

How does it keep finding me?

"Persephone Jackson, you will not be so lucky to escape this time..."

The darkness was swallowed by a figure in the cavern, a manifestation of evil itself. The hairs that had not been already singed off my body stood up at the sound of its voice; like nails on a chalkboard.

Or like someone dancing on your grave.

"Go fuck yourself," I spat, my tongue immediately falling into the empty space where a tooth should be on my bottom row.

The dark spector merely cackled, and I could feel the coldness of a stare that I couldn't meet. I had no idea where the thing's eyes were, or where it's face might have been. It was just a body of smoke.

Powerful smoke, yes, but smoke.

"I'm so deeply sorry to hear about your little... friend," it spoke, sending a sharp tug on my heart. "The blondie was never meant to survive anyway. The daughter of Athena, goddess of wisdom."

I grit my teeth together, ignoring the stinging in my eyes.

"The girl could have been great, if she only knew which path to take," the spector chortled, stalking forward as it took more of a humanoid-like shape. "If she knew what power she could have had if she had sided with me, she would still be alive."

I leaned back against the dark restraints which felt like invisible hands holding my body still. "Annabeth was too good for you. She was too good for any of this," I spat. "You're here for a reason, you sick fuck."

The spector only continued to stalk forward on its prowl. "You, too, are here for a reason, are you not?"

"It was an accident-"

"No, dearie. Nothing happens by accident around here. You were sent here by your so-called gods for a reason."

A pale face was created from the shadows. I gasped at the eyes that were black as night, staring deep into my soul. It was violating, as I could feel something searching through my brain, and touching every one of my secret memories.

Ignoring the pain that the darkness brought with it, I dug deep into my heart and pushed it out with every ounce of energy I had left.

The thing, whatever it may be, staggered back in shock. "You are not as weak as I thought," it admitted. "Too bad. Looks like I will have to extract the information I seek in another way."

A long, sharp blade appeared in the pale hand, and was slowly extended out toward my neck. My breathing picked up as a slow smirk started to form on its face. "This is going to be fun."

My screams, echoing throughout the cavern... no, wait... the room, woke me up from the nightmare. My breathing was erratic, and I felt myself place a hand on my chest to try and slow it down. Sweat dripped down my face from where it pooled along my brow, and from the rest of my body the sweat drenched the sheets beneath me and encased me in cold, wet night clothes.

A shaky breath later, and Gerda came through the door with her hair falling in disarray around her with widened eyes. "Persie! Are you alright?"

I let a smile show on my lips. "Just a nightmare, is all. Don't worry, I'll be fine once I change out of these clothes." I stood up on wobbly legs, showing her the damp wear.

She nodded emphatically. "I will grab a spare pair of clothes for you, just a moment." Gerda quickly made her way to the wardrobe and skillfully pulled out a pair of loose-fitting trousers and a long tunic. "Will these work for you?"

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