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Courtney Barlow sat by herself in the bar, a bottle of bourbon in front of her. Her clothes and hair disheveled. She had just found her fiancé in bed with her best friend, or who she thought was her best friend. Her normally put together outfit for her class in law school was now stained with mascara and tears. The strong liquor seemed to pause the tears, though they wouldn't stop. She got up from the bar stool and started to make her way to the bathroom. She stopped walking grabbing onto the doorway towards the dirty bathrooms to listen a gorgeous male voice singing:

"If my body was on fire
Oh, you'd watch me burn down in flames
You said you loved me, you're a liar
'Cause you never, ever, ever did, baby"

Courtney's onyx eyes looked up at the man on stage. His muscular body covered by a black shirt, and leather jacket paired with ripped jeans and black converse. His black hair gelled back, his face piercings shining in the dim stage light. As the song ended he stepped off the stage, he made his way to the bar and Courtney continued her journey to the bathroom.


Her eyes finally went dry. No more tears would come out, she got a chance to look around and notice the bartender wiping down the bar. The small group of people that were still there were starting to leave. But, where am I going to go? I just moved in with my fiancé, and I can't afford an apartment by myself. Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard talking behind her, she leaned onto the back of her seat more to hear what they were saying. "Yeah, Cody left a few minutes ago. I'm gonna go too. Need any help?"

"No, just gotta get the last customer out." He was talking about her. She was the only one still left in here. The two started whispering to eachother before footsteps started to approach her . The brunette looked up to see the mystery guy who was singing on the stage. She sighed as she began to get up from her seat. "Don't worry, I'm leaving.." he stopped her lightly grabbing her wrist. "I can't let you walk home. It's dark and you've been drinking. I'll take you hom-" she cut him off shaking her head. "It's fine. Really I'll walk, it's not far." He nodded as she walked to the bar to pay the bartender. And just like that she was gone.

She walked down the street, her arms crossed over her chest. She looked around making sure no one was walking near her as she began to cry. The hot tears made her vision blurry as she walked. She breathed out shakily as she slid down the wall of a store. Her knees were up to her chest as she sat on the cold hard ground. She put her head in her knees as she cried harder. Where was she going to go tonight? How was she gonna get a new apartment by herself? Was she all alone in the world? It all became to much for her. Her breathing quickened as she began to hyperventilate, she looked around breathing hard as a black car pulled up. The door opened and someone began to rush out just as her eyes closed.

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