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"No! Duncan couldn't have taken Gwen back. Somethings going on there, and I'm gonna find out!" Heather looked back at Courtney before getting out the car. She put her hair in a pony tail as she walked to the front of the apartment building. She stomped up the stairs before coming face to face with the couple. "Hey Heather! How are y-" "Shut it tramp! Duncan, what the hell?!" Gwen glared at the asian as Heather grabbed Duncan's arm pulling him away. "Why the hell did you take Gwen back?!" He shrugged looking at her with a serious look in his eyes. "I'll tell you but you cannot tell the gang." She nodded slowly looking up at him. "I promise."


Courtney moved out yesterday and the whole day while she got her boxes of clothes and furniture, Duncan sulked around. Which was very unlike the delinquent. He didn't want her to leave, he shouldn't have kissed her, she wasn't ready obviously. He was so into his thoughts he didn't even hear her say bye to him. "Bye Duncan. I'll never forget everything you did for me. Call me if you ever need anything." His head stayed looking down at the floor deep in thought. She sighed as she frowned before walking out with the last box.

Meanwhile, Gwen and Trent have broken up very recently. It was the whole reason she invited Courtney out to apologize. So with no one to turn to she decided to call Duncan. What was the worst that could happen? She already got chewed up and spat out by Courtney two weeks ago. "God, what the hell do you want?" His voice sounded dry and harsh, but of course it did. "Can we talk? Please?" "And why would I wanna talk to you?" She sighed before spoke again. "Please, I have something that will benefit the both of us."

"Fine, meet me at McDonald's at 3. Don't be late or I will leave." He threatened before hanging up. Gwen rolled her eyes putting her phone down to go get ready to blackmail him.


"So you see my problem?" Duncan asked as he finished explaining. Heather nodded as she bit her lip. "I do. Don't worry bro, I'll help you out. And I won't tell our friends."


"So she basically trapped Duncan." Heather explained to the group, except for obviously Duncan and Courtney who went to her class. "We have to help him out!" Geoff exclaimed as Alejandro nodded about the speak before Izzy cut him off. "AGHHH OH MY GOD ILL KILL THAT GOTH FREAK!!" Bridgette put her hand on Izzy's shoulder to calm her down as Alejandro spoke up. "Wait, but if Gwen is pregnant wouldn't it be Trent's. They were together for a while." The group the nodded agreeing with him as Heather shrugged. "According to Duncan, she's five months pregnant. Trent kicked her out and dumped her when he found out."

"Well did she look pregnant to you?" Owen looked at her and heather looked off into thought. "I mean, I dont know. I didn't pay any mind to her, other than calling her a tramp." Geoff groaned from his seat as he got up looking at them. "Hello people?! We have to get Duncan out of this, and get Duncan and Courtney together!" Izzy looked at him and nodded getting up. "He is right. Mission duncney is a go?" Heather grimaced from where she was standing. "What is a duncney?" "A ship name, now-" "Wait, me and Alejandro don't have one right?" The Latino then came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her slim waist. "We can get one, beautiful." "Ulch! No get off me!" She pushed him off as Izzy looked at them. "Now, is mission. Duncney. A. Go?" She asked slowly as everyone nodded looking at her. "Alright! Now let's get Duncan out of the claws of that witch."

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