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The young woman bit her lip as she placed a warm rag on the others head. She had passed out last night and still hadn't woken up. The woman ran her hands through her teal and black hair sighing. "Please wake up..." she mumbled. A few minutes later, as if on que, the brunette eyes fluttered open. She groaned from behind the girl before the girl jumped turning around. "Where am I?" Courtney asked, her small hand on her forehead. "My apartment.." her head whipped hearing the familiar voice. Her heart started beating faster as her eyes widened looking at the girl. "How dare you bring me here?! After what you did to me?!"

"Courtney.. I-I'm sorry. I-it just h-" the brunette cut her off, if she wasn't so tan she'd probably be turning red. "Shut up! I'm talking now! You ruined my life, do you even feel bad?!" The dark haired girl opened her mouth to speak before the brunette started to yell at her again. "I've been such a good friend to you and this is how you repay me, Gwen! I fucking hate you, you stupid goth slut! Do me a favor and delete my number.. I already blocked yours." She said as she steadied her breathing. She picked her shoes up from the floor walking out the apartment. She stumbled back as she collided into someone else. The same black haired delinquent from last night, looked down at her and raised an eyebrow. "Did you just come out my apartment?" Courtney looked at the door then back up at the guy. "Y-you live there.. with Gwen?" He chuckled. "What is going on here? How do you know my girlfriend?" He looked around as he crossed his arms. "Are you a cop?" She shook her head as she faked a smile as best as she could. "I'm not a cop, but I hope you find out who your girlfriend really is soon." He raised an eyebrow at her again as she walked out the building.


Courtney smiled as she sat in her class. When she was inside this building nothing could ruin her mood, till it was over. The brunette sighed as she started to pack her stuff up. She didn't want to leave, she wished she could stay in the class all day. Inside the law school walls, nothing could bother her. It's when she left, everything begins to fall apart.

"180... 181...182. What fucked up apartment could I get for 182 dollars?" She said to herself as she huffed. The chair across from her scraping across
The floor caused to look up. "A room in my apartment." She shook her head looking at the black haired man. "Are you stalking me?" He shook his head as he chuckled. "You're the one coming out of my apartment, and telling me to look out for my girlfriend. Thanks, by the way. I went through her phone, apparently she's hooking up with some Trent guy." Hearing his name for the first time after what happened pained her heart. Courtney's eyes began to water as she frowned deeply. He looked at her and his eyes widened. "Oh god, what did I say?" She shook her head at him taking a breath. "Nothing, just that Trent is my ex-fiancé and Gwen was my bestfriend. Enough about me though, were you serious about the roommate thing.. I don't even know you." He shrugged putting his hand out. "I'm Duncan, it's nice to meet you." The brunette laughed slightly before shaking his hand. "I'm Courtney, Courtney Barlow." The delinquent chuckled as she looked at him raising an eyebrow.

"We really doing this?"

"I'm in, if you are."

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