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2 weeks later

Duncan smiled widely standing in front of his group of friends waiting for Courtney. People filed out the gate getting their bags retreating to their own friends and family, while he waited for her. He held a bouquet of flowers and a sign with her name on it. He was in love and possibly the happiest man in the world right now. The brunette pulled her suitcase and held her carry-on on her shoulder as she walked. When she caught a glimpse of Duncan, and their friends her face brightened up before she dropped her bags and ran into his arms. "Duncan!" The former delinquent smiled picking up his girlfriend spinning her around. "I missed you!" She smiled holding his face in her hands looking at him with love in her hands. She then looked behind him to the rest of her friends. "Hey guys." She pulled away heading to them as Duncan went to get her bags that she dropped in excitement. "Mocha! We missed you!" She giggles hugging the blonde after she pulled away from his still pregnant girlfriend.

"We should get going. We're going out to eat!" Owen piped up after Courtney hugged him, she laughed shaking her head. "Let's go then, Owen."


The eight of them sat at the table in the restaurant. "Now that Courtney is back, I can finally tell you guys. I'm having a girl!" Bridgette announced to the table holding Geoff's hand. All the girls cheered silently, while the guys except for Geoff groaned. They were hoping for a boy to bring on their misadventures. "And even though Izzy said she didn't want to be a god mother, because she'd rather be a crazy aunt." Heather interrupted the blonde nodding. "Accurate." "Anyways, even though Izzy backed out I still couldn't choose between you two. So..." Courtney and Heather looked at her as she got up slowly walking over to their side of the table. She pulled two small boxes out of her bag handing one to both of them. "Are you proposing? How woke of you." Courtney laughed shaking her head at Heather before Bridgette lightly glared. "Stop interrupting me." She then looked at them smiling. "Courtney, Heather. You two are my bestfriends other than Izzy. I love and trust you two so much and I know you both were dying for this question so, will you two be my daughter's god mothers?" The brunette and raven haired girl smiled widely as Courtney nodded tearing up and Heather jumped up hugging Bridgette. "Of course I will, Bridge." People around them awwed, and some clapped thinking the two were lesbians. "Open the boxes." Heather sat back down next to Courtney and opened the box. In it sat 14k gold bracelets with one matching charm. Bridgette held up her arm with Izzy. "Now we all have one, think of it as a friendship bracelet." Courtney giggles putting it on as Heather smirked. "I love it. Expensive and sentimental."

"Since we're announcing things, me and Izzy have an announcement too." Bridgette returned to her seat as everyone looked at Owen. "Oh no, is Izzy pregnant? That baby is gonna be crazy." Everyone laughed at Heather's remark, even though it was seriousness in her joke before Izzy shook her head. "No, god no. Oh my god." She laughed as she held her left hand up showing the sparking ring. "We're getting married next year!" Owen announced as the table cheered, Geoff patting Owen on the back since he was the closest to him. "And I want you three to be my bridesmaids." "Wow, our 2020 is gonna be so busy." Courtney laughed as Heather smirked. "Speaking of busy Court, I'm opening another store and I want you to take over as the manager at Killers since Bridgette is gonna move to the new store." Courtney gasped putting her hand to her heart. "Oh my god, thank you Heath!" She smiled flipping her long black hair over her shoulder as Duncan cleared his throat. "If everyone's done, I have something to ask Courtney too." Courtney raised an eyebrow looking at him. "Okay, I know it's not as big as godmother to a baby, or bridesmaid, but maybe it's bigger than a manager to a store." He snickered teasing Heather a bit before grabbing Courtney's hand softly. "But.. Courtney Jasmine Barlow will you move back in with me?" Courtney giggled looking at him and nodding. "Of course I will Duncan." He smiled widely grabbing her face kissing her softly. The table groaned as Geoff threw a straw at them. "Enough PDA you two!" Courtney giggled looking at him.

"Baby, you're the highlight of my lowlife."

TIS THE END 😭 I hope you guys enjoyed lowlife, it was a rollercoaster but it also was my first story to hit 2k reads. So thank you to everyone who read and voted on this, and commented they really made my day and me me laugh. Comment below if I should make a sequel to this story

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