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"We have till this Friday guys." Izzy announced from her seat next to Owen. "At this point, who cares?" Duncan shrugged as he walked out the kitchen, everyone looked at him shocked as he sighed. "If she wants to leave I don't think we're gonna be able to stop her. Especially if it's just for me, she doesn't want me anymore." "What do you mean?" Owen looked at his friend concerned as Duncan sighed. "I can assure, after the talk we had this morning Courtney isn't interested in me anymore." Heather flared at him getting up. "What the hell did you say to her man?!" Duncan glared back crossing his arms. "The truth! I'm not right for her! I'm done with this conversation now." He grabbed his jacket throwing it in before walking out. "God, Duncan." "So is.. operation duncney cancelled now?" Owen asked looking at everyone. "No, just postponed." Heather mumbles looking at the door that Duncan just left out of.


The rain poured on his head as Duncan walked down the street. He sighed as he now regretted riding with Bridgette and Geoff, now he had to walk all the way home in the rain. He was so into his thoughts not looking where he was going, he bumped right into another person who was also oblivious to the world. The turned to look at each other, and sadness replaced their angry expressions. His teal eyes locked with her onyx eyes, just like they had weeks ago. The two didn't even have to speak, their faces said enough. Yet, "I miss you.." "I miss you too." Courtney teared up looking at him, luckily he couldn't tell from the raindrops. Nonetheless, he pulled her into his arms stroking her hair. "Get better Duncan please. Don't drink your life away, not cause of Gwen or me. It's not worth it. You're an amazing person don't let us ruin your life." She said looking up at him. He nodded kissing her head lightly. "I won't."


He lied. That night, and the night after that he sat in the same bar getting drunk off his ass. But this night felt different, like something was going to happen. He was so into his drink he didn't notice the Latina get on the same stage he used to perform on. Cody begin to play the piano as the bar quieted down. Duncan whipped his head toward the stage when he heard the voice.

Whatever happened to you?
And all of the things that you knew
Before you were twerking and dropping it low in the club
Doing too much
And now that you're rollin' with Molly
You've become the life of the party
Such a rebel in a cold, cold world

Duncan furrowed his eyebrows as he locked eyes with her. She wasn't singing to him right?

The ratchet life
You want the ratchet life
You hide behind your disguise
But I know the truth
You ain't bout that ratchet life
Won't last til the morning light
You're still putting up a fight
What do you have to prove
I just miss the old you
One selfie
Two swisher sweets and three bottles of Jack
Four bundles of imported hair
Five little thots
Chasing the fame
Tell me how long do you think it will last

The ratchet life
No more of this ratchet life
Just throw away your disguise
Cause I know your truth
You're so much more than this ratchet life
Won't last til the morning light
You're still putting up a fight
What do you have to prove

Duncan shook his head moving to the front of the crowd.

I just miss the old you
The incredible you
The glorious you, unforgettable you
Irresistible you

Disclaimer : Ik I'm guilty of using a song again to boost the word count 😭 but I love that song it's from star and it fit so well with them and the scene in the rain was inspired by this picture

Disclaimer : Ik I'm guilty of using a song again to boost the word count 😭 but I love that song it's from star and it fit so well with them and the scene in the rain was inspired by this picture

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