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"Why is her falling for Duncan so bad?" Bridgette asked on the other end of the line. Courtney soon went off to her room, to shower and think, so Heather decided to call the one sane person in her life; Bridgette. "I dont know Bridge. Keep in mind though that she did get betrayed by the two most important people in her life." The asian heard her sigh from the other line. "You're right. I'll talk to her though, she deserves to be happy y'know."


Courtney walked out her bathroom with her eyes closed drying her hair with a soft towel. She jumped when she opened her eyes seeing Heather and Bridgette sitting on her bed. "What the hell?!" The two looked at her, realizing that she came into the room. "Hey Court! Sit down, let's talk." Her eyebrows furrowed before she glared at the two. "Get the hell out. I have to get dressed." The girls stayed put as they both covered their eyes, the brunette groaned. "No. Get up and leave." Heather moves her hands from her eyes smiling at the brunette. "No, we're not going to." "I'm about to get naked!" "I'd like to see it." Courtney rolled her eyes turning to her dresser to get her clothes out. "Sorry Courtney, but there's nothing you can do to get me or Bridgette out of this room."


"Okay, you can come in now!" Courtney yelled from inside as the two girls made their way back inside. "So what do you guys want?" The two sat on her bed as Courtney stood in the bathroom braiding her hair. Bridgette then pulled her phone out going to messages. "So you like Duncan, but you don't wanna date him?" The brunette's head snapped to her so fast, the braid she was doing came all the way out. "What?! Heather what the fuck!" The asian put her hands up in surrender rolling her eyes. "Whatever! It's Bridgette, BRIDGETTE! She's not gonna tell anyone!" "Still I told you that in secret. You were supposed to keep it, I can tell Bridgette myself." "Fine I'm sorry.." Bridgette huffed standing up. "This is cute and all but Courtney babe. You like Duncan! He likes you! So why are you not already with him?" Heather nodded in agreement. "You need to take that bull to the horns tonight! Or someone else will." She smirked before the two looked at her confused. "Ugh, you guys are the worst. Alejandro would have gotten it." The brunette stared at her with a confused look before turning to Bridgette. "I'm scared Bridge. I don't wanna get close to someone again. I surprised myself when I got close to you guys so fast."

"Real recognizes real." "Heather!" Bridgette yelled as Heather rolled her eyes falling back onto the bed. "She's right though, and you need to man up and tell Duncan you like him. There's nothing bad that could happen!"


Courtney smiled nervously as she stood infront of the door. Just knock. You've already been standing here for three minutes. Just as she was about to knock the door opened to reveal Duncan. "Courtney? Hey.. what's up." She took a deep breath to forget about all the jitters as she smiled widely. "So I have a confession to make Duncan." His signature smirk appeared as he looked down at her. "What is it, princ-" "hey babe, ready to go? Courtney! It's so good to see you!"

Her face dropped looking at the two before she ran back down the stairs and out the building. Hot tears blurred her vision as she climbed in the back seat of Heather's car with Bridgette. "Court! What happened?!" Heather asked worriedly as Bridgette hugged her. "He took her back! Duncan took Gwen back!"

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