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Courtney tossed and turned as she slept. Her light brown hair was all over her face as she opened her eyes.  She blinked a little bit furrowing her eyebrows seeing the dark grey walls instead of her white ones. She quickly sat up looking around before seeing the delinquent sleeping beside her. She jumped out the bed wide eyed as she screamed. Duncan, jolted up from the scream falling off the bed as everyone ran in the room. "What the fuck.." he groaned getting up from the ground. Alejandro, and Geoff smirked at Duncan, as Bridgette looked at Courtney confused, as Heather raised an eyebrow at her. "You really were drunk huh?" The raven haired asian snickered as Geoff yelled. "Alright Duncan! You the man!" The delinquent shook his head as he scratched his head. "No, nothing happened. Courtney came in here drunk and wouldn't let me take her back to my room so I put a blanket wall between us and went to sleep." The whole crew looked at him skeptical, even Courtney but the shrugged it off. "Now that that's sorted we have things to do. Bye guys!" Bridgette smiles leaving with Geoff. "Yeah... do eachother." Alejandro laughed with Duncan as Heather rolled her eyes. "I'm leaving too, Alejandro you can come or walk. I couldn't care less." She hugged Courtney before walking out. "That's my que, later amigo." Alejandro trailed off rushing after the Asian.


The two cleaned up in the living room as Courtney looked over at Duncan. "Is that all what happened last night?" He looked up at her raising an eyebrow. "I mean what you told them? We really didn't have sex right?" The dark haired guy shook his head as he sat on the couch. "No, we didn't. And I told them everything." Courtney sighed of relief before he continued. "Except, that we made out and I may have gave you a tiny hickey." "A hickey?!" Duncan looked at her shocked and scared as she came closer to him. "Y-you gave me a hickey?" He nodded slowly as she got in his face. "And, why would you do that!?" He sighed shaking his head. "It was all in the moment!" She stepped back but not taking her eyes off him. "If we were kissing and you gave me a hickey what stopped you from... you know." He sighed again leaning back on the couch. "It felt wrong, knowing you were drunk out of your mind. I'm not gonna lie I surprised myself." He chuckled a bit at the end as Courtney rolled her eyes. "Well.. thanks."

"Anyways, how'd you like Asshole and Malibu?" The brunette shrugged. "They're cool but I dont know if I'm ready to trust anyone else yet." Duncan nodded as he got up. "Wanna go get food somewhere? IHOP?" The brunette smiled looking at him. "Yeah, I'll go get ready."


"I just think it kinda dumb that if you have a criminal record you can't get a well paying job." Duncan said as he dug into his waffle. Courtney laughed lightly as she sat across from him. She took a sip of her hot chocolate before talking. "Yeah well, they shouldn't have done the crime." He shook his head in response as he wiped his mouth. "Sometimes crime is how people survive." The brunette raised an eyebrow at the black haired guy across from her. "And why is this topic so concerning to you?" He sighed deeply after he finished the rest of his food. "My old buddy from high school got locked up cause he beat up this guy and put him in the hospital. He's out now and he can't even provide for his family. He only beat up the guy cause he disrespected his daughter." Courtney looked at him with an understanding look, placing her hand ontop of his on the table. "I'm sorry about your friend. I wish I could help." He nodded looking up at her. "It's okay." She smiled at him but it disappeared when a couple approached their table. "Courtney, Duncan! It's so nice to see you guys."

The two looked up at the black and teal haired girl, and the dark haired guy beside her as the two smiled. "Oh is this a breakfast date?" Trent asked as he backed up from the table a little. "I'm so happy for you Courtney, moving on with my leftovers. I always knew you liked sloppy seconds." The brunette dug  her nails into her palms to stop herself from doing something she'd regret. "Anyway, we'll leave you two alone. Come on babe, our table is clear." The two walked away as Courtney slowly took her nails out of her palm. "You okay?" She put on her best fake smile. "I'm fine."


The brunette was quiet the whole ride home. Once they got back to their apartment she locked herself in her room. Duncan sighed as he flopped onto the couch. When did Gwen become such a bitch? She was never like this when we were together. Atleast when I was around. Duncan got up from his spot about to go to his room, but stopped when he heard crying in Courtney's room. He put his ear to the door slowly, and sure enough he heard crying from the inside. "Courtney open the door." "No! Leave me alone!" He sighed as he jiggled the door knob, it didn't budge. "Open the door!" It was silent on the other side of the door for a while till the crying continued. That's it! Duncan pulled out his key ring and unlocked the door walking in. Courtney sat on her bed, looking at him shocked with a tear stained face. He looked at her, his face softening before he pulled her into his arms. She breathed in shakily before she just cried into his chest, he rubbed her back softly holding her. "It's okay, I'm here." But did he mean it? Those words echoed in her mind.

"I'm here."

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