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The next few days, Courtney tried her best to avoid Duncan. She was doing pretty good till one morning he stopped her on her way to the bathroom. The brunette huffed as she looked up at the delinquent. "Yes, Duncan?" He crossed his arms over his chest standing infront of her. "Why have you been avoiding me since we kissed? Was it bad or something?" She mimicked his actions crossing her arms over his chest as she narrowed her eyes up at him. "You're going to make me late." "Well you better get to talking then, huh princess?" Courtney shook her head as she sighed. "To put it simply, I'm moving out." Duncan's eyes widened in shock as he just looked at her. She took the chance to hurry into the bathroom shutting the door behind her.


"Courtney you're moving out of Duncan's apartment?" Geez, word sure does travel fast in their friend group. Courtney nodded as she clocked in. "I was only staying there till I could get my own apartment, remember?" Heather suddenly groaned from the other side of the room. "God, I knew I should've docked your pay!" The two girls both looked at her as Courtney gasped. "Heather!" "What?! I don't want you to move out! I liked coming over there and seeing you. Where are you trying to move anyway?" The brunette walked over to Heather sitting down next to her, Bridgette followed her as she was also wondering.

She waved them closer as she sighed putting her head down. "I didn't actually find a place. I just needed an excuse to Duncan for why I was avoiding him." Heather raised an eyebrow, as she grew interested. "And why were you avoiding him Ms. Barlow." Courtney rolled her eyes at Heather calling her by her last name as she looked at her. "Because we kissed. And.. I really liked it but I'm scared. And I also don't want it to be like awkward between us." Bridgette shook her head as she leaned back in her chair. "What's there to be scared about? You liked the kiss, you didn't propose to him." "Yeah it's not that serious for you to move out, Court. But if you don't want him to know you were lying you can stay with me for a bit." Courtney's face lit up as she looked at the asian excitingly. "Really Heath?" She nodded shrugging. "Ehh, my place has an extra room and I get bored all the time when I'm in the house." The brunette suddenly attacked the asian with a hug. "Thank you, thank you. Thank you!" Heather patted Courtney's head softly as she nodded. "Yeah, you can let go of me now."


"This is your apartment!?" Courtney yelled looking at Heather, her voice echoed off the walls as Heather sighed. "I know.. it's so small. I might get a new one." She turned to the blonde wide eyed as she just shrugged. "I'll show you where you'll be staying, Courtney come on." The three made their way upstairs to one of Heather's many guest rooms. "This is the closest room to mine, so I gave you this one." Courtney smiled at Heather before looking around the room. The walls were white with very expensive white curtains on the windows. The queen size bed rested against the wall facing towards the TV that sat on a all black tv stand. "Great, now I don't have to face Duncan. I don't know how I could thank you Heather." The asian shrugged. "Don't stop being my friend." She let out a small laugh looking at the brunette. "We really like you, Courtney. You really showed us you're a genuine person so just don't like switch up on us."

"Oh don't worry, I'm not Gwen." The three laughed as they came in for a group hug.

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