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Bridgette smiled at Courtney as the brunette clocked in for her first day. "Hey, Court. Oh here's your name tag." She pinned the tag on her shirt. "If you need any help, just call." Courtney nodded smiling at her. "Oh, and you'll be working the register. On your resume it said you're good with math so I thought it would be best." "Yeah I am. Thanks again Bridgette, you really saved my ass by hiring me." The blonde smiled again placing her hand on Courtney's shoulder. "You were the best candidate, you didn't get this job just because we like you. You got the job cause you were qualified." The brunette smiled widely as they went behind the counter. Bridgette told her how to work the register before leaving her on her own.


Courtney walked to the break room and looked surprised to see Heather. "Oh, hey Heather. I didn't know you worked here." The asian let out a laugh as she picked at her nails. "I don't work at Killers babe. I own it." Courtney looked at her surprised then smiled. "Wow, really? You're so young and you already own a store." She shrugged laughing a bit. "Yeah, well I'm a trust fund baby so." Courtney sat with her and smiled. "So, how is living with the Duncan?" The brunette bit back her smile as she remembered what happened the day before. "It's really good. He's not as tough and rugged as he looks." Heather leaned on her hands and nodded. "Yeah, Duncan's not a bad person. He just acts like it." "So how are you and Alejandro?" The Asian's eyes widened looking at her. "M-me and Alejandro? We aren't dating!" Courtney looked at her confused. "You two sure act like it. And I can tell he's like head over heels for you." Heather turned to her biting her lip before sighing. "You didn't feel that with Trent, did you? Like that he was head over hee-" Courtney cut her off shaking her head. "No, I didn't. Honestly that should've been a clue, you know sometimes I wonder what might've happened if I didn't catch them. If I would've still gotten married to him or would he have manned up and told me." "I doubt he would've. Any guy that would rather cheat than just breaking it off with the girl is scum. And doesn't deserve the title of a man. Trent was a boy, Courtney. You need a man." The brunette nodded as she looked at her. "You're right"

"Heather!" Both the girls jumped and looked at the door, as a ginger ran in and jumped on the asian. "Oh my god, Izzy!" The raven haired girl sighed exasperated as she laid on the floor, the excited ginger ontop of her. She got up and helped Heather off the floor, the asian picked up her chair and sat back down rolling her eyes. "Courtney, this is Izzy. One of our other friends. Izzy, this is Courtney. She's the new cashier." The ginger smiled excitedly shaking the other girl's hand. "Nice to meet you. I love your hair! It's so cute!" Courtney smiled lightly before pulling her hand back. "Thank you."


Courtney smiled at Duncan as she got into his car. "Hey, how was your first day?" He said as he started driving. "Really good, I met this girl named Izzy and sh-" "you met Izzy?!" The brunette looked at him worried hearing his surprised tone. "Yeah.. w-who is she?" Duncan glanced at her raising an eyebrow before turning his eyes back to the road. "Oh, I was just surprised. Don't be scared. We just don't easily introduce people to her for a while. Gwen never even met her." Courtney sighed of relief leaning back into her seat. "She's crazy though. She'll probably kill Gwen when she finds out she cheated."

"Maybe even Trent too."

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