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"A cheers boys, to my freedom from Gwen." Duncan said before the boys glasses all clinked together and they drunk their beers. "And a cheers to Geoff. He's about to be a dad, no more nights out drinking for you buddy." Owen said as the guys started laughing clinking their glasses together again. "Which reminds me I gotta go. Me and Bridgette's brother are putting the crib together tomorrow morning. I gotta pick him up from the airport." The guys said goodbye before the blonde party guy was gone.


"Oh, it's 8. I gotta go guys. Me and Izzy are going on a date tonight." Duncan chuckled nudging the chubby guy. "Oh wow, Big O making big moves huh?" He mocked Izzy's nicknamed playfully as him and Alejandro laughed. "Gotta keep her happy!" He laughed before leaving the bar, leaving the two alone. "And then there was two." Alejandro nodded drinking out of his beer bottle. "It's like that alot, amigo." "I ain't ready for this party to be over let's drink some more." "Amen to that brother." Alejandro laughed as they ordered another drink.


"Duncan, I think it's time to go." Alejandro said as he walked over to the guy who was dancing with his shirt off. "What?! No, dude I'm not ready to go yet!" "Yeah, but it's definitely time for you to go." Duncan kept dancing in the small dance floor he made in the middle of the bar. "Nooo please Al!" The Latin man grimaced at the mention of the nickname his older brother gave him. "That's it! Let's go!" Alejandro picked up the delinquent and carried him out to his car, after paying the bartender for their drinks. "Ughh Al, you are such a party pooper man!" Duncan whined from the backseat as Alejandro got in the driver's seat of his car. He rolled his eyes as he started the car before driving off.


"okay, shhh buddy." Alejandro whispered as he set the man on the couch. The black haired man looked up at the Latin and laughed quietly. "Okay Al." He whispered kissing the man on the cheek as he laid back on the couch. Alejandro chuckled rolling his eyes walking to the kitchen pouring a glass of water for the drunk guy. "Alright here buddy." He whispered as he came back to where he left him, but the delinquent was sleeping. "Well than." He shrugged putting the glass back then going up to Heather's room. "Babe?" She sat up squinting at him. "yeah it's me. Just go back to sleep baby." He said pulling his shirt and pants off before climbing into the bed with her. "How was your night?" Heather laid her head on his chest looking at him with tired eyes. "It was just a regular night with guys. Geoff and Owen left early and it was just me and Duncan, just like we did all this week." She nodded pecking his lips. "I love you." "I love you too Heather."


Courtney walked down the stairs holding the phone to her ear. "Yeah, I'm packing up clothes. I know, only summer clothes." She went into the kitchen to get her coffee that Heather put in the fridge for her. "Yeah, I can't wait to see you Claire. I'll call you after I get out of class. Mhmm, love you bye." Courtney grabbed her keys off the counter and started to walk to the door before a groan made her jump. "Court?" Courtney's eyes widened recognizing the voice. "Why are you at Heather's house?" Duncan asked as she turned around. She crossed her arms holding her coffee thermos walking closer to him. "I could be asking you the same thing." He shrugged as he sat up. "Me and Alejandro went out drinking last night. Nothing to huge." "You guys have been going out drinking a lot recently. Are you okay?" She outstretched a hand to his shoulder before he roughly pushed it away. "I'm fine Courtney. Don't act like you care now." He said before storming off to the bathroom.

"But I do care..."

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