The tires crunched in the gravel as she pulled up to the house and turned off the ignition, the exterior and interior lights of the house were switched off, "so everyone is in deep sleep!!!.. Why would they do care for me" She muttered under her breath adding sarcastic in her tone, snatching the mobile up from the seat before she forget to take it, she opened the car door and stepped out, her head was still paining as she still could not get control on her nerves even after spending four hours in Night club.
As she walked cautiously toward the front porch, she wished it weren't so dark as she had no mood of another intense argument with his father and if her luck would not with her today she might get another lecture for coming home late at night, resting her hand on the railing, she gingerly climbed the four stone steps. In the thick darkness the chirp of the crickets sounded ominous instead of friendly, like creaking hinges in a haunted house. She raised her hand to press the door bell then drop her arm slapping her mind which was going to throw her in danger zone; she pressed her palm over an iron knob and turned it carefully, she took sigh of relief as it had opened without any noise.
She took step and locked the door behind her, "Naira!!! Where were you??"Her feet froze at that heavy angry voice of his father, she spun around to face him, and he switched on the lights and the whole house again lightened up with the glittering white lights again, she lifted her eyes at him, "Good to see you still awake " totally ignoring the anger in his voice she taunted with slight smile, "how can a father get sleep when his young daughter is not home"
His stiffened and angry voice sudden changed into polite and she felt great concern in those eyes for her but it's another emotional play to make you regret Naira,to get your sympathy
"What is going on here??"A voice of a woman in her mid forty took their attention. Naira moved away her eyes muttering something in her mouth and one could guess it was not something good, "Naitik...Why are shouting on her? Please be polite."
she came close to him and pressing her hand on his shoulder giving him signal to calm down, "ohh..Please don't..I don't need your sympathy" Naira bit of her words lifting her gaze at Mansi. "Naira!!!she is your mother", Naitik shouted on the top of his voice and Mansi pressed her hand on his shoulder.
"I am not surprise at your behavior Mr.Naitik Singhania but I want to clear one thing, she is not my mother and she can never become my mother"
Loosing her temper once again she regarded Mansi coldly and rushed towards her room and Naitik fell on sofa like a helpless father who had been lost all hopes to get his daughter back..
"I don't know where went wrong? But trust me Naitik she is my daughter" tears tricked down on her cheeks and Naitik pulled her for side hug to soothe her and she kept her head at his shoulder. How many times she had been hurt her.
************************************************************"This is ridiculous', how could they back out like this we had signed the contract with them"
"Calm down Kartik!!!We have to think some other solution
Mr. Rohit said as he handed Kartik some official documents. He took it and threw them on his table without even looking at them, "I don't know how will we continue our project as it was very huge project and our company which is already in crisis can't afford to continue it" he sank into chair looking blankly at the scattered files infront of him..
"We have still one way to overcome of this crisis"
"what??" Kartik asked in suspicious voice and regarded Mr.Rohit earnestly
"Do you remember? Few months before Singhania industries has offered us for a combine project but we had turned down their offer, I think they are impressed with the way our company still trying to come out of this crisis, we should try to convince them may be they get agreed to continue this project with us", he suggested and Kartik stiffened face relaxed a bit "is it possible?"
"70 percent chances are here and I think we should try once"
"I think you are right" thinking something he rose and walked close to him.."Do arrange my meeting with Mr.Singhania", Taking deep breath he lifted his gaze at Mr.Rohit as he had been taken decision to try his fate once again to save
"Goenka industries"
***Hope you guys liked the first part....please do vote and comment*****

Kaira : Love is destined to Happen
FanfictionA story of two people Kartik and Naira. The story deals how destiny play its part and make these two people fall for each other madly and deeply.