The Realization

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She fluttered and opened her eyes feeling his deep breath on the nape of her neck and his secured arms around her naked body. She still could feel the warmth and passion of their last love making. 'She could remember the way a shudder run through her body as he turned over onto his side, taking her with him and keeping her captive with the weight of his leg across her body and his fingers tangled in her hairs stroking them lovingly.

She never thought someone could love her like this' she was deprived of love, deprived of comfort that she finally found in Kartik.How much she was wrong to think no one loved her? How much she was wrong to feel herself alone in this whole world when so many people around her who loved her. 'Her parents...'Her parents who always bore her harsh behavior and had given her love' their love but she couldn't accept that.

She tried to keep the tears in by squeezing her eyes closed but they made their way towards her cheeks and Kartik opened his eyes feeling wetness on his arm as her tear fell.

He quickly poked up his head regarding her with a worried look, "Naira are you alright?"

He cupped her cheek in his palm and made her face him she blinked the tears parting her lips, "I'm'fine".

Her voice choked slightly as words erupted her lips and he pulled her towards him crushing her into him.

"Did I hurt you? I'm sorry if I've hurt you"

She tried to speak and only a wheezing sound came out before her throat closed up. But when She realized what he just said she pulled back and looked up meeting with his deep penetrating gaze, "No'you didn't--you can never hurt me Kartik" she whispered, holding him against her, both arms around his now, and she was soaking his skin with tears.

"What's the matter Naira?why are you upset? Please tell me"

His voice became hoarse with emotions as he tightened his grip around her and leaned to kiss her forehead and then holding her chin made her look at him.

"Please tell me 'I can't see the tears in your eyes"

This time he said more softly, stroking her hair lovingly giving her a feather of kisses on her cheeks, on her eyes, on her forehead."Kartik--I've hurt my parents badly"

Finally it was out, the worst thing, the most grievous regret that was pricking in her heart like a sharp needle finally slipped out from her lips, and as soon as she said it. The emotional storm passes through her body and she was left trembling in reaction for a mere second before he'd crushed her into him and dipped himself in her and then pulling himself back he did what he thought was the way to soothe her. He leaned and kissed her, a warm, love-filled kiss with the promise of eternity that he was with her and he would love her till his last breath.

Kartik pulled back and then stroking her cheeks with the pad of his thumb lifted her chin, she breathed and lifted up her lashes meeting with his gaze, "you know Naira you're so lucky to have such a loving parent who loves you immensely. 'I don't know who is step-mother?or real mother? For me Mother is the only the most sincere and pure relationship in this world.We can't categories mother as a stepmother or a real mother'. I know it was difficult for you to give her the place of your mother in your heart but you never tried to give yourself a chance 'you never tried to give her a chance---chance to show you how much she loves you--you always thought her love, her concern for you is fake 'you didn't try to read the motherly love, affection in her eyes for you. You didn't give yourself a chance to take a step towards her if you would you would've felt her motherly love, her affection."

"When My father had given her place of my mother I couldn't bear that' I couldn't bear the fact someone has been taken the place of my mother'."she spoke and again her voice choked as few tears made their way towards her cheeks, she felt his grip tightened over her and his soft fingers removed the tears she gasped holding her breath for a moment then spoke again meeting with his eyes, "you know Kartik --my classmates used to mock at me' they used to make fun of me when they heard about my father's second marriage' about my second mother--stepmother."

Kartik body stiffen as her voice came out brokenly and she gulped recalling the all nightmares of her childhood, he felt the sudden tightening of her fingers on his flesh, her deep breaths, a wave of great grief across her eyes. 'He sucked in a breath pulling her more closer to him and then cuddled her face in his palm to assure his presence' to assure her he was here 'right here with her 'she moved her hand and kept it on his looking at him, "I wanted to run away--I wanted to slap them who used to mock at me but I couldn't ever get courage--my anger, agony towards my parents getting increased with each passing day and my heart had left feeling their love' I didn't want to feel their love 'I'd wrapped a shell of anger--shell of hatred around me and that was the reason I didn't let her close to me' I know I did wrong.will they forgive me?"

She felt a stab of regret and swallowed the lump, Kartik leaned and kissing her forehead made her gaze at him, "you are their daughter Naira why don't they forgive you? Children's make mistakes but Parents always forgive their mistakes as they can't get angry with their own blood. Let your heart to feel their love' Let your mother to get close to you and you'll feel her love 'you will feel the warmth of affection and love of a mother 'they are not angry with you I've seen how much they care for you 'how much they love you 'forget the past and welcome the future with open arms 'whatever happened it was past 'you can amend your mistake'you've the chance to give your parents the love that you couldn't give them 'grab this chance"

He stroked her cheeks and then lovingly removed the every line of tear leaning to kiss her deeper and then pulled away cuddling her face in his palm,she felt light hearted after ages 'she felt the regret, the anger that had been engulfed her heart had vanished somewhere replacing the love "Thanks for coming into my life 'Thanks for giving me so much love"

She whispered looking back deep in his eyes and the smile had touched his lips, "Mrs-Thanks to you too for coming into my life"

She smiled and this time initiated herself met her lips with his savoring the moment in her heart, feeling the warmth of his love' feeling the warmth of his closeness 'feeling the peace and solace in her heart.

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