Happy Ending

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   The deep and great love in her parents eyes like always brought unshed tears to her eyes; Naira felt a twinge of guilt when her mother raised her hand to touch her cheek but dropped them in her side fearing her rejection like she did always. Naira wished to hold her hand and kissed them gently but the emotions were so raw in her heart that she was feeling herself too weak to pour them out.

Naira was as silent in the whole dinner, Kartik noticed her love filled glances, hesitation on her lips and deep grief in her eyes he felt like pull her in his arms and hugged her tightly, gently kissed her forehead and caressed her back until she poured out all her fears but he knew he had let her fight with the evil memories of past completely. He didn't want to push her into something that she feared to do. This time she had to bring out herself from that hatred her own and he knew she would do. He felt content at this thought and smiled when she deliberately looked at him seeing him lost in his thoughts and smiled weakly.

Mansi felt something wrong with her daughter, she knew Naira very well, although she hadn't given her birth but her love for her wasn't less than any other mother of the world. Naira's distress, her grief always hurt her worse than her own pain. She always wished and prayed secretly to get her daughter's trust, her love. She never complained about her hatred towards her but always gave her motherly love to her in return of her hated.

She climbed the staircase as she saw Naira going towards her room, Naira had left her dinner in midway and excused herself and when Mansi asked Kartik about her health he assured she is fine but her mother's heart couldn't have satisfied at his words.


As she saw her standing near the open window she called her in tender voice stepping closer to her and Naira startled, whirled on her heels to face her,Mansi's heart sank to see her tears-streaked face though Naira tried to soak back her tears in her eyes but couldn't.Mansi took two long strides and reached at her side, she raised her hand and cupped her face in her palm and with the momentary hesitation she caressed her cheek and wiped off her tears."Naira'are you fine beta? What happened? Did Kartik say something or something happened between you two?tell m---"


Naira's words fell on Mansi's barren motherly heart like rain, she fumbled with emotions, her eyes glistened with tears and they made their way towards her cheeks, "what'did you say?"

Mansi asked in desperation cupping Naira's face in her palms, she was in shocked,couldn't believe on her ears,her fingers trembled as she lovingly caressed her face,Naira let out the breath of guilt, every chord of her heart screamed with the pain to see the love in her mothers eyes that she always denied, "Mom"She repeated,her voice shook with the havoc of emotions, a smile touched Mansi's lips and she pulled Naira in her arms, "My daughter---Meri Naira'Meri jaan"She cried in happiness and then pulling herself back, she cupped Naira's face again and kissed her all her face ,Naira voice trembled with guilt "I'm sorry mom"Mansi stared her face closely, and removed the traces of tears from her face, she leaned and again kissed her forehead, "No'my daughter don't say sorry as I'm so happy today .I got my daughter'today I'm experiencing the feeling of mother'Don't say sorry"

She moved her hand on her back to soothe her and feeling again the gush of fresh tears Naira gasped staring at her mother, "mom, I've hurt you a lot'I always taunted you, abused you. I always received your immense love but returned my hatred'mom I'm so bad'I'm a bad daughter'I've hurt you and dad always with my rude behavior, my harsh, cruel words. I always thought how could've you loved me when you were my'my step mother. I always considered you my great enemy who snatched my father from me'I was so wrong'I punished you with my hatred and bind my eyes with the cloth of hate as I didn't want to see love in your eyes'I didn't want to confess that you love me"

Naira could feel the twinge of guilt in her heart and she felt ashamed of remembering all those moments when she had hurt her parents'her mother. Tears escaped and eased down her cheeks to drop on the floor.Mansi's heart lurched to see her daughter was suffering with guilt.

"Mom, I'm not a good daughter"

She took a deep, ragged breath as she halted her confession. Countless tears flowed from Naira's eyes down her soft cheeks but she made no attempt to brush them aside or to stop them. Too much pain, guilt and sadness demanded release. She wanted to release from that guilt. Mansi sucked in a breath of panic, her own eyes shimmered with unshed tears, and she removed the tears from Naira's cheek and lovingly caressed her fingers there to soothe her, "My daughter my love for you is so deep that it never let your hatred touched my heart. Don't cry my daughter it hurts me deeply to see tears in your eyes. What if people say I'm your step-mother but my hearts knows how much I love my daughter'I always wished to hear 'mother word' from your tongue'I longed for your love my daughter'I'm not angry with you'I can never angry with you as I love you so much, no one can define mother's love for her children. Children make mistakes but parents forgive them. Today I've gotten my daughter I don't want anything more"

She leaned forward and this time kissed her long on her forward, Naira hugged her mother and dipped her face in her shoulder, "I love you mom" she whispered and Mansi lips curled into smile, she soothe her back lovingly kissing her hairs, "and I love my daughter a lot"

Naira closed her eyes, her heart felt light, contented to feel that warmth of love, blessing of God that she always denied.

***Few Years Later***

"How much the both ladies will take time to get ready?"

Mr.Singhania and Kartik exchanged annoying glances waiting for Mrs.Singhania and Naira who was getting ready for the grand first birthday party of little Goenka, it was almost an hour the both husbands were waiting for their wives, pacing infront of the door Kartik let out the breath "I can't believe Naira almost has taken 1 hour to get ready? All the guest have been arrived" Kartik shrug his shoulder in annoying, "my wife is not less than her daughter'they both mother and daughter are same"Mr.Singhania joined Kartik accusing them when the sound of opening the door caught their attention and they both looked at the doorway at the same time, "so you both were accusing us?"Mansi shot an angry glance to them as she slipped out the room following her Naira too stepped out the room taking little Goenka in her arms who smiled to see the face of his father, "Kartik why were you shouting like I was enjoying inside or was playing games?" She glared him and little Ayan giggled in her mother arms like he was enjoying seeing his father getting accused by his mother, "so Son you're with your mother" Kartik frowned but then he smiled as his son raised his little hand and clutched his fingers, Naira felt her eyes glistened to see the bond between her son and his father ,Kartik took him in his arms and then hugged Naira with one arm, Ayan giggled and smiled to get attention of his parents, Kartik kissed his son and then kissed Naira on her forehead and the sweet argument faded in that blissful moment.

Naitik and Mansi felt immense happiness, contentment to see the sight infront of their eyes what could parent wish except their children happiness? "I pray for their happiness..i want to see my daughter always happy and content in her married life"

"me too"

Naitik crawled his arm around Mansi and she kept her face on her shoulder awe to see the most beautiful sight of the world.

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