Penetrating into my heart

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 "If your companion is with you,every moment of life becomes the memorable moment"

"You were telling you've no one in your life 'what about your parents?"

Her slow voice brought him out of his trance and he spun his head to look at her who was waiting for his reply, "I am an orphan" Naira saw the pain that flashed across Kartik's eyes at the mention of his parents, and his tone softened with shared sorrow.she gulped for air realizing unintentionally she'd hit the wrong place.she felt herself less of words for a moment to say something to him that could remove the pain from his face..

"I was an 15 years child when My father had died and after few months of his death my mother too left me"

"Sorry..I didn't' mean 'to hurt you" Her tone softened and Kartik stared back in those eyes which were showing guilt and he felt great urge to hold her in his arms and pour out his heart but he hit his desire and jerked them off from his mind. "You've right to know about me"

She gasped for air to hear his husky and soft voice and she stared back at him,who'd been given her right on him,something strange feelings penetrated in her heart as she felt sincerity, honesty in those deep eyes and she could feel warmth of her cheeks due to blush, she nervously moved away her face in other side leaving the smile on his lips.

The next half journey went into silence but she could feel his intense eyes on her fluttering her heart.


Kartik thought with a half smile on his lips and gave a glance to his captivating beauty who was from the half an hour trying to select her wedding dress and he was silently watching her cute,irritating expression and was enjoying the beautiful moments of his life.

"Ma'am please check this Green one,I hope you'll like it" the shopkeeper spread another dress in front of her and she again gave look to all the ten dresses in different colors spreading on the table in front of her but she couldn't decide..

He shook his head and stepped close to her who was so engrossed in selecting her wedding dress that even had been forgetting his presence..

"Mrs.May I help you"

Her heart fluttered and her breath stuck in her throat as his husky, low whisper hit with her ear drums and his warm breath touched the flesh of her earlobe, she gasped for air trying to stable her racing beat. He was so close. The heady scent of him swarmed her senses, making her heart tick hard and fast.

"Ermm..Thanks but I'll choose myself" she stammered realizing her presence near her,he titled his head and stared at her face for a moment and without giving her a chance to think what was coming on her way,he stretched his arm and grabbed the Red dress,he swung towards her and she gasped at the feel of his body close to her and lifted her gaze at him who was standing a foot away distance from her looking at her face,Kartik wrapped the Red Duppatta around her shoulders and lifted her chin with his finger,she nervously stared into his eyes, trying to get a clue what he was doing.he suppressed smile looking at her nervous movement of her long dark eyelashes. "Mrs. You're looking breathtaking in this color, it's perfect for my bride"

Her cheeks flushed and some strange feelings knocked the door of her heart,a smile touched her lips and she nervously moved away her eyes.

He smiled and felt urged to gather his captivating beauty in his arms and gave her long passionate kiss but then thinking he'd taken the decision for few minutes back he'll give her space to accept their relationship. he moved away a bit and gave her glace from the corners of his eyes who was trying hard to hide her nervousness under her soft facial expressions and the thing that made his heart filled with great happiness when she gave orders to pack the same dress he'd selected for her.

Kaira : Love is destined to HappenWhere stories live. Discover now