She trust him

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Finally after fifteen minutes wait she came out 'they almost collided and she lifted her head looking at him backing up quickly, and the way his intense gazes scanned her made her heart skip a bit. Her heart thumped faster when he raising his hand followed the curve of her neck with his fingertips her body shook slightly with every heartbeat. Otherwise she didn't move, not even when he caressed her skin with his thumb pad giving her intense gazes, there were some deep strong emotions floating in his eyes she couldn't bear to look at him anymore.

"Look at me Naira"

She lifted her head slightly, and with the movement her cheek brushed with the back of his hand. He didn't speak for a long moment, but simply gazed at her as if he had never before seen her, and then deliberately he slid his hand around her waist, a little yet soft pressure of his fingers on her bare back, He heard a quickly inhaled breath, felt a vibration of suppressed indignation quiver through her and a smile suppressed his lips to feel the effect of his touch on his captivating beauty, she was beautiful---a beautiful angel who came down on earth for Him.

What would she look like with her hair tumbled across a pillow, those lips parted and her eyes half-closed---lying beside him' in the warmth of his arms.. A tempting thought.

He smiled inwardly and then pulling her close to him he gathered her in his arms she lifted her brows at him in surprise and he twitched his lips into a more widened smile leaning his face over her.

"Naira 'you're looking Breathtaking" His husky voice touched the flesh of her skin and for a moment she felt as her heart had stopped beating, she could feel the colour of her cheeks had turned red..She didn't know it was the effect of his words or his intense gazes but she was affected by his touch, and how the shy smile was touched the corner of her lips she didn't know. She tilted her head back smoothly, so that her eyes met his in a steady gaze, "now we aren't getting late"

She teased him and couldn't resist herself to smiling at his changing cute expressions.

"Of course Mrs---ah but what I do my wife is looking so beautiful and being a possessive husband I don't want anyone to look at her except me"

His direct confession had taken her breath for a moment, the intensity, the possessiveness, love and passion in his voice was unbearable for her she could feel his love in his voice, in his every words in his every touch and it made her feel guilty 'guilty for not giving him back the love he deserved.

Her heart missing a beat when he gently applied the pressure of his fingers on her cheek cupping them in his palm, His finger beneath her chin held her in a light grip, lifted her face slightly to his. He heard her quick inhalation just before his mouth covered her parted lips. Warm, sweet, tempting, this time she made no effort to pull away or pushed him away, but allowed him to kiss her. This time also, there was no response, no participation; she offered no resistance, but no reaction. He slid an arm behind her back to hold her.

She was still, stiffen under his touch and he could hear her raising heart beat, "I love you Naira,I love you so much 'I love you with all my heart, with all my soul' I love you truly,madly,deeply." he whispered against her mouth and this time without any hesitation she looked back in those deep eyes that was conveying immense love' she knew this man loved her truly,deeply,madly,she had never seen that much love for her in someone's eyes'. He was her true Lover. her companion and she had trust him..Yes she had trust him.

A strange tenderness welled up in him as soon as she braced her hand around his neck and hugged him' it was an instant act 'a deep reaction of those emotions which he was pouring into her heart, in her-For a moment he couldn't move 'he was still 'shocked to accept the reality but then as her hands slipped around his back he realized he was living a most beautiful moment of their life' he crawled his arms around her and gathered her in his arms' this time there was no resistance-no hesitation but strange content there.

Bringing her hands up between them, she balled them into fists and wedged some distance between their bodies looking at him and his breath caught to see those cloudy tears floating in her eyes, "Don't---don't leave me ever"

It was the first time when he felt demand, desperation in her weak voice and he felt a lump formed in his throat to realize how much fragile was his captivating beauty, he gulped and then again cradled her face in his palms.

"I won't"

With that promise he leaned and gave a quick peck on her forehead and this time she had closed her eyes in anticipation feeling strange comfort after ages.

"Now we're surely getting late" He whispered removing the tears and she gave a smile.

A heart-warming smile.


After that little emotional turmoil Kartik felt Naira a bit relax and comfortable with him, a hesitation, stifness he had always seen today was less' she was looking like a simple' sweet girl. It seemed the roughness she was fastened around her was faded away somewhere and he was seeing a real Naira.

Naira breathed deeply looking outside the window inhaling the fresh air inside her' she was confused at her own feelings 'it was the first time she could've expressed herself' she didn't know why she broke in his arms, why she felt content in his arms. Why did she feel like throwing herself in his arm and hold him close to her? Why did she ask for his promise? Why did she feel weak herself in his arms?

"Mrs--we've been reached"

She titled her head and looks at him who was looking at her with his most charming smile coming out of her trance of thoughts she nodded her head slightly.

She was looking lost somewhere from the time they entered in Singhania's house and he couldn't understand anything.

"Mrs.Are you alright?" he said shortly,suddenly getting out of patience to see her panicked.

"yes,I'm alright"she spoke quickly,suppressing the smile on her lips.He could see very little as she always would've easily hide what was in her heart but still he could see the faint lines of some deep emotions on her face.

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