Conquering her Heart

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She sucked in her breath walking beside him towards the huge hall, although he didn't speak any word after the intimate moment they experienced in the room but he had given her smile which she could easily figure out was a force smile had helped her to remove the lines of guilt from her face a little bit but keeping those thoughts aside as of now she entered in the hall with a smile.

"Welcome Mr and Mrs Goenka"the jubilant voices of guests welcomed them with the grins and gave them blessing to a newly-wedded couple.they both replied them with a smile.

"God gave you all the happiness in your married life"

Mr.Bhushan and Mansi to come near them to give them their blessing and Kartik felt her stiffen when he hugged her daughter she didn't seem to be happy but was seemed angry and the thought hit his mind took his breath for a moment she might be not happy with this marriage or Mr.Bhushan had pushed her too much to accept the proposal, he could've seen the angry looks she was giving to her father. Mansi stepped near to Naira and leaned to kiss her forehead, "how is my daughter? Without you our house seems empty, we missed you a lot."

"but I thought you both were happy to get escape from me" regarded her father with a cold look she couldn't hide her sarcastic and Kartik sucked in his breath, yes'she didn't accept the proposal willingly but forcefully.

"Why do you think like this? We are your parents Naira and we love you------"

"Why don't you accept it you aren't not my mo----"

She cut her between her sentence, her stiffen voice rises a bit Her eyes narrowed to furious slits and the air seemed to crackle with her anger, but then she stopped in mid way realizing Kartik was standing beside her who was looking at her with a flicker of surprise in his eyes "please let the topic stop here" she sucked in her breath and cursed herself for letting her temper out of her hand.

Kartik saw the hurt flushed on Mansi's cheeks which she tried to cover it under a force smile.he didn't like the way Naira was behaving with her parents, he didn't know the reason and he didn't want to make any judgment about her behavior but still he felt bad for them,he found her rude while talking with her parents.

"Didn't you miss me?" Trying to fade away the embarrassment, hurt from their faces Kartik pouted suppressing a smile and Mansi patted her cheek slightly while Mr.Bhushan gave a smile,"we missed you too"

"I am feeling so lucky"

They smiled more brightly at his cute banter. Try to lighten up the air he spoke few more light-hearted words and got succeeded too but the fact hurt him rather confused was Naira behavior and her words still were tolling through in his mind pushing him to think the other side of this matter it may be because of this marriage,, forceful marriage..He gulps of air trying to compose himself and shrugging his thoughts soon he gets busy with the guests.


She wrapped her wet hairs in towel coming out of the washroom, she was feeling tired after attending the Reception ceremony and the first thing was coming to her mind was to take a shower and get freed of that heavy dress and jewelry. Wandering her eyes in the room and poking her head into the balcony through the open door she realized Kartik was not around, coming back to close to the mirror, she combed her hairs feeling a bit relaxed after a tiring day she sank into a chair and grabbed a magazine from the table,trying to keep herself away from the memories of that moment she started to flipping the page but soon get bored and gave a glance to the door but still there was no sign of him, "where has he gone?"she didn't know why but his absence making her restless he should be in the room at this time of night but he was nowhere to been seen.

Standing on her heels she stepped towards the door and wandering her eyes around in search of him slipped out of the room, checking almost all the rooms she walked towards his study room and the lights were on it meant he was there, she took breath of relief before stepping inside the room.

"I hope I didn't disturb you"

Sitting in resentful silence working something on his laptop, his gaze lifted boldly over her, from the top of her dress to the curves of her waist and right down to the toes of the satin slippers which she wore after taking bath, her wet hairs still spread intimately against her shoulders and her lips parted slightly, standing at the doorway she was aware of his admiring glances sending a tingling sensation in her body, his unhurried gaze lifted to her face and he supressed a smile that was not reaching to his eyes, "no you didn't" trying to cover his emotion under the layer of his soft smile he spoke softly, keeping the laptop on the table he stood on his heel and reached forward Naira took a quick, automatic step backward, before she realized he simply intended to pull out a chair for her. "I was just pulling a chair" Kartik quickly moved back and her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and felt a pang of guilt to see the lines of guilt on his face. A lump of poignant tenderness swelled in her throat and she unthinkingly laid her hand against his cheek. "I'm Sorry," she whispered achingly. His eyes lifted at her in amusement and she quickly moved away her hand, he knew for what she said *sorry* and he didn't want to blame her for this, it was his fault he had been lost in the emotions that forget the promise he had taken to himself.

"You don't need to be sorry, I am not angry with you"

She had to clear the tears from her throat before she looked up. He had a smile on his lips, "really you didn't hurt me, and it was my fault too"

Giving her encouraging smile he tucked the strands of hair behind her ear and the smile touched her lips too,She was looking like a beautiful young queen, with her long hair swaying in straight lines of her shoulders, her lips curling into a smile; her deep pools of eyes fill with the havoc of emotions. Kartik gave her brief look. He felt the familiar, hot need for her rise in him, the longing he'd felt for weeks to gather her into his arms and lose himself in her. But he couldn't do that, dropping his hand he stepped back, "you go and sleep you must be tired, I am coming in few minutes"

Giving him a smile she slipped out the room and he breathed deeply calming down his rising desires which were overpowering his senses, he didn't know why he couldn't keep himself away from her,she was a mystery who could surprise him every time,if she would behave rudely one time,the next moment she would appear the most innocent girl for whom he could do anything, he wanted to conquered her heart.

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