Destined to Love

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He cradled her face in his palms and she looked into his eyes through her lashes. "Yes'you do---you're Love--The girl who can bring life into a lifeless person--who can fill colors in his colorless life--who can teach him what is Love and How to love? who can bring him out of his shell and give him hope to be loved--who give him strength to move on his life.who says she doesn't deserve love?" He tried to read her emotion from the set of those beautiful eyes and had seen those emotions that he ever wished to see and as he stroked her cheeks with so much affection, so much love and then removed the every line of her tears with his lips she gasped for air, all the emotions which was she tried to hide resurfaced, and she closed her eyes to find herself fighting back tears, he bent and kissed her lashes, "I can't see tears in your eyes--I can't"

She heard helplessness plea in his voice and something sharp pricked in her heart, she opened them and looked at him through her tears'she couldn't believe someone love her that much'how could he love her with so much depth?'without any demand.

"I love you Naira'I love you so much---you live in me"

How many times he said those three words but every time she felt them deeper than before, brushing her damp lashes with his fingertips. He stroked her lips with his tear-wet fingers and then kissed her .she closed her eyes holding him tightly as she didn't let him go anywhere'she could never'she gasped between his kiss and then she just knew she had responded to his kiss parting her lips for his tongue, his body shuddered as he felt her tongue touched his lips---she had responded him'yes she had accepted his touch, with the shimmering eyes with tears he met with her gaze in between their kiss and then very politely 'softly cling her to him and captured her mouth showing her how much he loved her'how much he'd waited for her to accept him in her life'give him a chance to show her he loved her truly'madly.

After a few moments she felt the gentle pull of his mouth but before she could see in those deep love-filled eyes, he heard her slight moan as he abandoned her mouth to pick her up again. He carried her straight towards their room without breaking the eye-lock and then lay her down on the bed but she didn't drop her arms and as he titled to grab the comforter he felt a gentle pull of her arms and turned back to her.

"Don't go anywhere"

Her voice erupted liked a slow, weak whisper, a flicker of surprise flushed in his eyes and Naira could see it clearly she knew what she was doing'she was doing like the way she wanted to do from long back .A slight smile touched the corners of his lips and leaned on her face giving her a peck on her forehead, "I won't go anywhere'I'm near to you" he stroked her cheeks with his thumb pad tried to remove the lines of panic under the shadows of her eyes and she held her hand looking back in those deep eyes. "I want your Love 'Love me Kartik"

Her voice touched the edge of weakness; Kartik gasped and stared in stunned disbelief. She raised her hand and cradled his face in her palm and he roused from deep shock as her soft fingers came in touch with his cold, hard skin.

"I want to forget everything---give me your love'Kartik loves me so much that I couldn't see anything except you'I don't want to remember anything except you'I want to feel your love'I want to be in your arms forever"

She didn't know what she was saying but she knew just one thing for sure this person who was her husband loved her madly'deeply---with the depth of his soul and he wouldn't leave her ever'she had trusted him'she could've trusted him with close eyes. Why? She didn't know.

His heart hammered in his chest and he heard her confession, the plea in her eyes to become his'His forever. He couldn't have believed it but it was truth finally he had made his way towards her heart and she herself didn't know when it happened.

He touched her face with his fingers slightly cupping her cheeks in his palm and whispered with the all love he was holding back in his heart, "I love you so much Naira'My Love will not let you remember anything except me"

He reached down and brushed his lips with hers and for a moment the light in her eyes and tantalized him, made him realize she loved him too'yes he could see the love in those dark deep eyes. A contented smile drifted to his lips and he touched his lips once again with hers.

He felt the seductive warmth of her body drew him near? Was it her heartbeat that thundered in his ears? Was it his own? A shiver of anticipation shot through her. His arms encircled her waist and he drew her closer, crushed her under his weight, a moan slipped erupted as His mouth descended on hers, firm yet gentle. She lost herself in the spiraling sensations brought on by the mere touch of his lips ,his lips crushed hers gently,teasingly,passionately and she willingly clung to him closing her eyes, her lips parted and greeted his exploring tongue. Welcoming. Inviting. Demanding. He tasted of limitless passion and raw power. She strained her body toward his giving herself to him,the person who roused new feelings in her heart.

He splayed his hands across the width of her back and drew her tightly against him as he shifted his weight on the bed, He groaned and pulled his lips from hers and heard her moan of disappointment, his lips curled into a smile and he leaned again trailing kisses the length of her neck, his lips settling in the warm hollow of her throat. She raised her head and ran her fingers through the thick, dark silken threads of his hair. Drawing her hands down to frame his face, she guided his lips back to hers.

He kissed her until her breath came in short gasps and her body molded against his. She abounded herself under the shower of his love'the love that was waiting for her and she was feeling scared to accept it.

He wrapped his arms around her quivering body and rolled to the side, pressing her against his chest.A silence filled the room, broken only by their heavy breathing as they both struggled to recover from the explosive coupling.

The night passed blessing the two people who made for eachother. They destined to be together.

Kaira : Love is destined to HappenWhere stories live. Discover now