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Their moment was broken by sudden ringing of Kartik's phone. Excusing herself she went from here, leaving Kartik all there. Calming himself down he too move out of the meeting room, only to see flushed cheeks of Naira. He smiled inwardly somewhere she too has his effect but then will she consider her proposal.. Various questions were revolving in his mind, when Mr. Singhania shook his hand to take exit.

He don't want them to leave, because he leaves means Naira will leave too. Disappointingly he shook the hand and escort them to lift area. The lift was already pre-occupied with lot of people. Mr Singhania get inside, but there wasn't any place for Kartik and Naira to enter.

They waited for another lift, Naira knew he was gazing her, she unknowingly put one of her strand behind her year, the tissues of her skin were raising high with his intense gaze, when it broke with the lift sound. Luckily only they were two in the lift. And it gave another chance to Kartik to look her shamelessly and lovingly.

Naira getting the courage asked," What..!!".

Kartik just smiled shamelessly and said," What.. what..!!"

Naira: Tar Tar kerne ko nahi bola hai.. Will you stop doing that..

Kartik: What Sherni..

Naira: This..!!

Kartik taking a step towards her: This what..!!

Naira lowering her tone as she blocked in this small space and said gathering her all strength," Listen I know what are you thinking..!"

Kartik gave a slight smile and said," Really..!! Then you must be knowing what I want..!!"

Naira turned her face, his hot breath was actually causing her to be difficult in her senses. Suddenly lift came to halt and light went out. It was pitch dark. Out of impulse Naira hugged Kartik.

Kartik immediately embraced her in his arms protecting her from every fear. He could sense her shivering, he caressed her back and whispered," I am here Naira..."

Naira just closed her eyes tightly, when she heard him saying..but instead of detaching herself from his arms she asked," Always ??"

He didn't thought twice and said," Always.. And forever.. I will never ever leave to alone..!"

Just then light came back and lift gate opened. She came out of his hug and ran outside. But this time Kartik heart knew and he knew what he said were true words directly from his heart All he just hope that she understood and reciprocate the same.

"Kartik are you sure you'll get succeeded"

"I am sure"

Still his last meeting with Mr.Singhania flushing across his mind, three days had been passed but still she'd not called him and he'd not lost hope a bit, he was confident .

He smiled remembering her angry impertinence in the second meeting when she deliberately gave him long angry glare before going towards her house and meeting in the lift still give a skip to his heartbeat.

His trance of thoughts broke with the sound of bell and he saw unknown number flashing on screen.

"Ms.Naira Singhania don't know why but I was feeling today is my luck with me"

A pulse drummed in Naira's temple as she fought with her shocked expression and found herself numb for a moment to react at his soft, hoarse voice that was a mixture of bit teasing and flirt. "How do you know it's me?" Naira put in hastily, trying to stifle her shock as this mysterious man began pushing her perilously close to nervous hysteria. He could sense the eagerness in her voice and chuckled.

"Do you really want an explanation??" A soft flirtiest husky voice again hit with her ear drums she gulped of air those weren't the words she'd been prepared to hear.

For the first time, a glint of blush touched Naira's cheeks and arrogant, angry dark eyes. The transformation was startling, softening the features of her face that lately looked as if it were emotionless. To curtail the stretching silence Kartik spoke again, "so I explain you"

"Uh!! Hun, No, I don't want any explanation" she startled recollecting her all senses back and her neck muscles tense as she made an obvious effort to control her unstable breath.

"Really I thought you would be curious to know the reason" he chuckled enjoying the shaking beat of her voice. "Why would I be curious to know the reason as I hardly know you"

Her anger shot up now and her temper was about to explode as his flirtiest, husky tone really affecting her, the way she never felt before and Kartik suppressed smile enjoying her nervousness.

"Anyways I called you because...'"She paused a bit needing a moment of silence to gather her thoughts, "I am waiting!!!". He broke the silence with his husky voice and Naira trembled in anger, "Will you hear me or I cut the call?" she warned in a dire tone ,her voice was gruff, "ok I am sorry" he bit his lower lip controlling his urge to smile at her irritation tone and Naira took a deep breath sensing the genuine apology..

"Actually I wanted to talk about your proposal'" she spoke nervously rather absently tucking a strand of hair into place behind her ear, Ohh God how much its difficult .I CANT'T do this' She closed her eyes for a moment..But Remember Naira you've no other way except it.

"I accept---I accept your proposal" She hastily completed the sentence and intake deep breath calming down her nerves. She waited for some reaction from him or his teasing remark but he spoke in soft, simple tone.

"Thank you so much"

Though he wanted to say more but he didn't as He didn't want to unleash his newly born emotions, to uncomfort her into an early retreat.

"Bye" after a huge silence she whispered and without hearing his reply she disconnected the call and threw her mobile aside, a shudder ripped through her, Finally everyone won and I lost Her throat braided at the pending onslaught of tears.

** Flashback**

Naira was in dinning area when her father proposed for a marriage. Which eventually resulted in heated discussion between her and Naitik.

"Why does this sudden change in your thinking? Why do you want me to marry? Who are you to take decision of my life?" Her anger shot up and she regarded her father coldly.

"Because you're Intractable, egoistic, piggish, ungracious, misbehave and I don't think any person wants to marry a girl like you"

"It's my name which is your identity, without my name you are nothing Naira, everyone bears your rude, misbehavior because you're daughter of 'Naitik Singhania'" he burst out.

** Flash back end**

 Why are you crying Naira? You've taken this decision by yourself and now you've to prove your father you can take decisions of your life, you don't need him She choked on the obstruction and willfully maintained her stiff composure and roughly removed her tears with her palm.


"I promise you'll never regret your decision" he did promise to himself under his breath.

Kaira : Love is destined to HappenWhere stories live. Discover now