Chapter 2

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Vegeta's P.O.V

I'm just flying around, when I spot Kakarot. He's just sitting under a tree...crying? I land a few paces behind him. What the hell is he crying about? Crossing my arms, I silently walk over to him. I stand by him, staring ahead while thoughts of mine and Bulma's argument floats through my head. He doesn't say anything, and neither do I. His sniffles fill the silence. I sigh.

"What's wrong with you, Kakarot?"

"Me and ChiChi had an argument."

I scoff.

"That's it? Me and the Woman have arguments all the time. I literally just left from another argument. Yet you don't see me crying."

My eyes widen at what I just did. I told someone about mine and Bulma's problem.

"You and Bulma are having problems?" He sniffles.

"Yes." I reply gruffly. He lets out a humorless laugh.

"You know, I was just on my way to Capsule Corp to see if I could stay there for a couple of days."

What? It's that bad? ChiChi has never kicked Kakarot out. Sighing, I sit down.

"What was the argument about?"

"Goten. ChiChi said he was starting to fall behind in school, and that he needs to stop wasting his time training. And that I'm just a worthless, dead beat father, and that she couldn't understand why he would want to be like me."

I scoff. Damn women. They just don't get it. Especially since they're human. It's ridiculous. They should be grateful that we defend this planet. 

"Don't listen to that hag. She just doesn't get it. Neither does Bulma, apparently."

Kakarot sniffles and smiles brightly at me.


I glare at him.

"Would I say it if it wasn't true?"

He laughs.

"That's true."

He stands up and dusts off his pants. He grabs my hand and pulls me into a hug, catching me off guard. He wraps his arms around me tightly, embracing me. I stiffen, surprised since he has never hugged me before. Unlike with Bulma and her hugs, which always feel possessive, his I could stay like this for a while, with his big, strong arms holding me tightly, me pressed closely to his chest..... Wait, what the hell am I thinking?! I push against him with a lot of force.

"Let go of me, dammit!" I yelled. I stagger away from him and turn away from him, heat rushing to my face. What the hell is wrong with me? Did I seriously just snuggle up to Kakarot?! Crossing my arms, I make sure our eyes don't meet.

"L-lets just go."

"All right."

Then we kick off, headed towards Capsule Corp and the annoying Baka that is my wife.

Hello, lovely readers! This is Author Chan, dropping in to say hello to you. I'm so sorry about slow updates. For now, I'll only be able to update and be on Wattpad is on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday since I have school to worry about. But don't worry, I'll make it up to you! And a shout out goes to NinetailedWonder for commenting on chapter 1. Thank you, you are amazing!
* bows in appreciation. *
If you have any requests for upcoming chapters, just let me know in the comments. And remember, hit that vote icon!!🤩
Stay kawaii fam

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