Chapter 4

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Goku's P.O.V

"Goku, dinner is done!"

It's what wakes me up. I jolt out of bed and use Instant transmission to get to the kitchen. Bulma turns to set something on the table when she sees me.


She glares at me.

"You scared me, Goku!"

I chuckle sheepishly.

"Heh. Sorry, Bulma."

She sighs then smiles at me.

"It's fine. Just warn me next time."

An irritated look descends upon her face.

"Where is Vegeta?"

I shrug. She lets out a sigh of frustration.

"That man, always keeping me waiting." She grumbles. Setting the food in her hands down on the table, she quickly storms off. A loud thump soon follows her storming out. My eyes widen in surprise when Vegeta comes in with Bulma hot on his heels.

"Don't you walk away from me! I'm talking to you!"

He quickly whirls around and glares at her.

"Just shut it with your whining already." He snaps.

Her eyes light up with fury.

"My whining?! My whining?! I'm not the one who is always whining! Oh I'm Prince Vegeta, and I'm always mad because I can and will never beat Goku." She mocks hatefully.

"I don't whine!!" He spats. "And Kakarot is not better then me, Prince Vegeta."

"Ugh, here we go again!" She groans. "More like the Prince of all asswholes."

"What did you say, Baka?!"

"You heard me, Dickhead!"

My eyes widen in surprise. I remember Vegeta telling me earlier about him and Bulma fighting all of the time. Do they actually do this all of the time???

Their argument getting even more heated, I decide that I better step in and help things cool down.

"I hate you, you ungrateful alien!!" She spats.

"Good, 'cause I feel the SAME way!!" Vegeta yells.

Unshed tears pricking her eyes, Bulma slaps him across the face.

"WE'RE DONE! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! I'M GETTING DIVORCE PAPERS TOMORROW!!!" She screams. Then she storms her off towards and down the hall. A surprised look is now on Vegeta's face. Holy crap. I can't believe that just happened....what does that mean for Vegeta now? Before I can say or do anything, he storms off towards the training room. I quickly follow suit. The doors slide open to reveal him punching one of he bots even though it's already trashed. He's just punching it. Over and over. Repeatedly. With no sign of stopping any time soon.


I get no reply. I take a step towards him.


Still no reply.


He whirls around and glares at me.


I meet his gaze, and I see the hint of pain in them. The sting of betrayal. Perhaps even....sadness. Does he love her even though they fight all of the time? The glare wavering, and unshed tears trying to let loose, I stride over to him and pull him to my chest, wrapping my arms around him tightly. His face pressed against my chest, he stiffens for a couple of seconds, then he relaxes and hesitantly wraps his arms around me. The tears now letting loose, the front of my gi begins to get wet with tears. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that Vegeta is sad, and that he needs me. So I'll be here, for whatever he needs me for. I'll be there for him. No matter what.

And that's chapter 4. Again, sorry for the slow updates. But anyways, I've gotta thank all of the amazing people who have added my story to their list or has voted or just read it in general. I know it might not seem like much, but to me it's everything. So thank you so much. 🙏 
Well that's all for now, let's continue on to chapter 5! 👆
Stay kawaii fam
~ Vegeta_fangirl

A saiyan love story: Vegeta x GokuWhere stories live. Discover now