Chapter 19

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Goku's P.O.V

Sighing to myself, I force my hand to reach out and turn the door knob. Slowly opening the door, I am surprised by getting tackled into a hug by ChiChi.

"Oh thank goodness you're all right, Goku! I was so worried! I'm so sorry for cheating on you with Yamcha. I wasn't thinking straight and made a mistake. It won't happen again."

She starts to cry as her body trembles with sobs.

"I was so worried!" She sobs. I wrap my arms around her in an attempt to comfort her as the guilt begins to get worse and worse by the second.

"You shouldn't have worried about me." I tell her gently.

Then I let go of her and gently push her off of me. I grab her hands, getting her attention.

"We need to talk." I tell he seriously. She nods and walks into the house. I walk in and close the door behind me. She sits in the couch and I sit beside her. Oh Kami, how am I going to tell her what's on my mind? How am I going to break it to her that I want a divorce? I take her hands into mine once again as I meet her gaze.

"What is it that you want to talk about?" She asks hesitantly, worry clearly in her eyes. I suck in some air, readying myself. A bead of sweat rolls down my forehead, letting off a hint at how nervous I am.

"ChiChi, you know we have been married for a long time."

She nods slowly, unsure of what I'm getting at.

"But, with regret, I have to say that it's time for our marriage to come to an end."

Her face goes blank. A few seconds go by, and I get no reply from her. Concern starts to riddle me.

"Are you Okay, ChiChi?"

"What are you saying, Goku?"

I suck in a breath of air.

"What I'm saying, ChiChi, is that I want a divorce."

She goes pale.

"You want what?" She blanches.

I wince at the pain I'm inflicting upon her.

"I want a divorce."

Her eyes start to swell with tears as desperation consumes her face.

"Is it because of what transpired between me and Yamcha? I swear it will never happen again. I swear to Kami it won't happen again. Just please, let us try to work this out. I love you, Goku. You know this!" She pleads.

I'm internally screaming at myself for inflicting this pain upon ChiChi. I look at her with pity. I shake my head.

"That's not why I want this divorce. It's because I'm not in love with you, but with someone else."

She lets out a gasp as pain is now clear on her face while the tears stream down her face.

"W-Who is it?" She pitifully stammers out. She is the first person, other than Bulma, to be told about me and Vegeta.

"Vegeta. It's Vegeta."

Her eyes nearly bulge out of her head as her jaw drops.

"Y-you're in love with Vegeta?"

I nod as a dreamy smile comes onto my face.

"Yes. I love him. I'm sorry, ChiChi. Honestly, I am. But I love him, and he loves me and we want to be together."

She stands up silently and hugs me. I hug her back, confused.

"Thank you for all of the wonderful years you've given me as your wife." She whispers.

"Thank you for choosing me to be your husband." I whisper back.

With that, we let go of each other and smile sadly at each other.

"I'm gonna go and get my stuff."

She nods.


I leave her in the living room and go into our bedroom. I grab all of my stuff, which isn't much. After I grab all of my stuff, I leave the room and close the door. I walk back into the living room to see Goten sitting on the couch with ChiChi, crying. I rush over to him.

"What's wrong, Goten?"

His eyes are dimmed with sadness.

"Mom said that you are leaving!" He wails. I pull him into a hug.

"She's right. I am leaving. But I'm only moving to Capsule Corp, so it's not far."

"But why are you moving?" He sniffles.

I sigh. How to explain this to him.

"I'm moving because me and your mom are getting a divorce because I love Vegeta."

He sniffles.

"So you're not leaving because of me?" He asks, his whole face consumed with grief.

"Of course not. If anything, you're the only reason why I regret moving."

He sniffles, then gives me a tiny smile.


I smile back at him.


His face lights up as he thinks of something.

"Can I come with you?"

I shake my head.

"Sorry kiddo, but no."

A hurt look descends upon his face.

"Why not?"

"Because your mom needs you to stay with her."

He looks over at ChiChi and back at me. He nods.


"All right."

I stand up and grab my stuff.

"I gotta go, kiddo. Love you."

He smiles up at me.

"Love you, dad."

Bringing two of my fingers to my forehead, I use IT to get back to Capsule Corp. Glad that went well. Sighing, I walk inside with a smile on my face. Now I can be with Vegeta.

That's chapter 19 for you guys! So what do you think? Do you like it? Please tell me what ever you think or want to say in the comments. I love reading the comments I get on stories. Welp, lets continue on to chapter 20.
Stay kawaii fam
~ Vegeta_fangirl

A saiyan love story: Vegeta x GokuWhere stories live. Discover now