Chapter 10

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Vegeta's P.O.V

Okay. What the actual fuck? What the hell is wrong with Kakarot? Ever since yesterday he's been acting strange. Is it due to his argument with ChiChi? That just might be it, I don't think that's it. He's been going red in the face around me all of a sudden. And last night. With that stupid kiss on my forehead! What was that all about?! Was he just trying to be nice? In a very unexpected and weird way? No, scratch that. It was completely weird. Guys don't kiss other guys. They just don't. Sure, they kiss girls or women, but not guys...right? I shake my head. Of course not. They don't kiss other guys. Simple as that. What is even wrong with me? Guys don't feel anything sexual towards other guys. And yet, I felt...good when I caught Goku staring at me, for some weird reason unknown to me. Why was he staring at me? Hm. I should probably ask him about that. Eh. Who cares. I walk over to the control box and change the gravity back to normal. Leaving the gravity room behind, I walk to my room. I walk over to my dresser and pull out a black tank top and grey sweats, along with black boxers. I leave my room and head to the bathroom where I can shower. I walk into the bathroom and close the door behind me, then I lock it. I turn around and walk over to the shower. I set the pressure and temperature that I want and turn the shower on. The see through glass door closed, I start to undress.

Now naked, I pull back the door, step in the shower, and quickly close the door. The hot water hitting my skin, I throw my head back and sigh in pleasure. Ah, what a delicious feeling. Hot water running down your body after a long day. I grab some shampoo and pour it into my hand. I press my hands to my hair and start to scrub and rub it into my hair and scalp. Making sure I got it all covered, I step back underneath the shower head and scrub out the shampoo as hot water collided with my hair. Once all of the shampoo is out, I move from underneath the shower head and grab some conditioner. I flick the cap open and pour some into my hand. I set the bottle down back to its original spot and begin to scrub conditioner into both my hair and scalp. When I finish with that, I stand back underneath the shower head and scrub away the conditioner. I then grab a wash rag, get it wet, then squirt some body wash on it. I scrub and rub it on every inch of my body, making sure my whole body has body soap covering it. I go back, once again, underneath the shower head and let the water and soap wash over my body. Once all of the soap is off of my body,  I turn off the shower and open the shower door. Stepping out, I dry off real quick. I go to grab my clothes, but then realize something. I forgot to grab them off of my bed. Damn it. Oh well. I wrap the towel around my waist and grab not my dirty clothes and boots, but also my gloves. I unlock the door and step out, just to bump straight into Kakarot.

"Damn it, Kakarot. Pay attention next time!" I spat.

He gaze goes to my chest, then my abs, and to the towel. He goes beer red and meets my gaze.

"S-Sorry, Vegeta!" He says loudly. I glare at him. Tch. Moron.

"Just get out of my way already."

His face goes even redder with embarrassment and just bobs his head up and down.

"R-right. Sorry."

What's up with him and stuttering now? He steps out of my way and I walk to my room.

And that's chapter 10 my dears! Yay! So what do you guys think? Do you like it? What about the shower part tho? I know you Vegeta fangirls (and his lovely gay fanboys) was just like damn! at that part. I know I was. 😏
Anyways....let's continue on to chapter 11. And to more of sexy Vegeta. 😏
Okay, sorry, I'll stop with the pervyness. Anyways, like I said before, let's continue on to chapter 11.
Stay kawaii fam
~ Vegeta_fangirl

A saiyan love story: Vegeta x GokuWhere stories live. Discover now