Chapter 8

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Goku's P.O.V

*** after fixing a certain problem 😏 **cough cough** we know what problem ***

I look over at the clock and see that it reads: 7:30 am. Now in fresh clean clothes, since I used IT to get some from home when ChiChi didn't notice and grabbed clean clothes. Tying the sash, I leave my room and head for the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen to find Bulma dressed with her purse in hand.

"Where are you going, Bulma?"

She turns and looks at me. Her mouth is set in a determined frown while a hint of pain dimly glows in her eyes.

"To file for a divorce."

My eyes widen with surprise. She's actually serious? I thought she just said that in the heat of things, If I'm being honest.

"You were serious when you said that?"

She looks at me funny.

"Of course. Why would I say that otherwise?"

I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Honestly, I thought you just said that in the heat of things, and to possibly make Vegeta worry that you were serious."

She shakes her head and laughs sadly.

"No. It's obvious our marriage is in shambles, and I don't want Trunks to grow up thinking that every couple should argue. That just isn't a good example."

"Can't you guys work it out?"

She shakes her head and sighs.

"You saw us last night. I seriously doubt we can fix that."

She looks at the time and smiles at me sadly.

"I gotta go. I'll be back later."

As she walks past me, I look at her retreating back with sadness, for I feel that that could be me and ChiChi one day. Or maybe I'll just let her treat me the same way until...what, we die? The thought of living like that til death sends a shudder of dread down my spine. What the hell am I going to do? Sighing, too deep in thought, I don't hear the footsteps.

"What are you doing, Kakarot?"

I go rigid while my face goes completely red as the dream comes to mind. I turn around, looking at my feet.

"I-I was just thinking."

"That's surprising."

I meet his gaze, and heat spreads throughout my body as those obsidian eyes lock into mine. A confused look is now on his face.

"What's wrong with you?" He asks, giving me a slightly suspicious look.

"N-Nothing!" I exclaim, my face getting hotter. He looks at me closely.

"Are you sick?"

I'm about to shake my head no, but then realize that that's my ticket out of this embarrassing encounter.

"Y-Yes! I'm sick!" I exclaim while rapidly nodding my head. I fake a cough.

"Oh, well, don't want to get you sick. So uh, I, uh, better get to my room. Okay bye!" I exclaim while running past him and to my room. I sag against the wall the moment I get to my room. I let out a sigh of relief. That was so embarrassing. After having that kind of dream about anyone, how can you face them without getting flustered? Let alone it being Vegeta! I sigh. I'm doomed.

And that's chapter 8 my dears. So what do you think of that one? I loved writing it. I kept laughing at how awkward the situation was for Goku. 😂
Lets see how he handles the next meeting with Vegeta. Onward, my dear readers... to chapter 9!
Stay kawaii fam
~ Vegeta_fangirl

A saiyan love story: Vegeta x GokuWhere stories live. Discover now