Chapter 12

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Vegeta's P.O.V

Now sitting in the living room, I turn the tv on and flip the channel to some mindless talk show. Before I know it, I let out a yawn, bored. What even is this crap? Boredom getting to me, my eyes start to flutter with drowsiness....

*** Vegeta's dream ***

I'm in the gravity room, training. The doors slide open and Kakarot is standing there. He sees me and starts to stammer as his face goes tomato red.

"T-there's something I need to tell you, Vegeta."

I sigh with annoyance.

"What is it?"

His face screws up in fear as tears start to prick his eyes.

"I-i-i l-l-love you..." He stammers our while gazing at the ground. Wait, what?! Did he just say that he loves me?!?!
Suddenly, he has me pinned against the wall, my arms above my head.

"I'm going to kiss you." He lowly growls out seductively. He leans down, and as his lips inch closer to mine, he-

*** Dream ends ***

I jolt awake, looking around quickly. What the hell?! What kind of dream even was that?!?! Why did I dream that Kakarot admits to loving me and almost kisses me?! What the hell is up with me? Ever since the hug, things have been weird. It doesn't mean anything. Does it???? Just as these thoughts are tumbling around in my head, Kakarot walks into the living room, freezing up when he notices me. He goes bright red, then turns on his heel and runs. I jump up. Oh no you don't, Kakarot. You aren't getting away this time. I get to his room before he does, so to say he was shocked to see me standing beside his bed would be an understatement.

"What are you doing in here?"

"To ask you why you've been running from me."

He starts to blush and awkwardly laughs.

"I haven't been running from you."

"Don't give me that crap. That's a goddamn lie, and you know it!"

His eyes widen, like a deer caught in headlights. I growl in frustration. I want some answers to this craziness.

He just stares at me, unsure.

"Say something, damn it!"

"What do you want me to say?"

"Why you have been running from me! That's the only reason why I'm in here!"

"I can't say."

"Yes you can!"

He starts to get even redder in the face.

"No, I can't."

"Just tell me damnit!"

He just stays silent. Wordlessly, he lunges at me and presses me to the wall and kisses me.

It's happened! Goku has finally kissed Vegeta!!! Yay! What will happen next? Find out... Next Dragon Ball Super! 😂😂 Sorry, I've always wanted to do that. Let's continue on to chapter 13!
Stay kawaii fam
~ Vegeta_fangirl

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