Chapter 9

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Vegeta's P.O.V

I look at Kakarot funny as he runs past me. What the hell was that about? His face was very red, but he didn't seem sick at all.

So why was he red in the face? He also wouldn't really meet my gaze, and when he did, his face got even redder. Strange. Does that That couldn't be it. He has a wife for crying out loud! Besides, he would never feel that way for me... Wait! Why do I care whether or not Kakarot feels that way about me?! I shake my head and rush to the gravity room. That's what I need. Training. That'll get my thoughts off of him.

*** 3 hour time skip ***

I'm sweating, panting, and have been training for 3 hours. But it's still not enough. I just got to get better. Better than Kakarot, better than Whis, than Beerus, than everyone. I have to get better. No matter what. So I push myself to the limit and then some. The doors slide open and I turn around to face Kakarot.

Goku's P.O.V

Vegeta turns around and I almost choke at what I see. He's shirtless, sweaty, and panting. His glorious abs and pecks were on show. I swallow hard as I watch a bead of sweat roll down his abs. Oh sweet kami. I don't know if I'm in heaven or hell.

"Are you just going to stand there and stare or what, Kakarot?"

I get jolted out of basically eye fucking him and meets his gaze. He looks at me questioningly and I start to go red. First the dream, now this! What have I done to deserve this....torture? My face going tomato red, I start to back.

"I-I'll just come and train later!" I exclaim as I turn around and run out of the gravity room and to my room. And for the second time today, I run from an embarrassing situation involving Vegeta. What am I going to do?!

And that's chapter 9 my lovely dears! So what do you think? Do you love how know he's just getting fluster at basically every turn? I kinda feel bad for him. But not too bad to where I'll stop writing these funny and embarrassing moments for him! 😂
Anyways, let's continue on to chapter 10!
Stay kawaii fam
~ Vegeta_fangirl

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