Chapter 16

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Vegeta's P.O.V

I finally come across the spot where Kakarot and I shared our first hug. Landing, I quickly rush over to him. My heart clenches at the sight of his bloody body. I kneel next to his head and try to wake him up. His face is deathly pale, and his pulse is faint. He won't wake up. Popping the sensu bean into my mouth, I press mine to Kakarot's mouth and spit the chewed up bean into his mouth, forcing him to swallow it. A few seconds pass, but nothing happens. I start to panic. Was it a bad bean?

Just as I'm about to lose it, he coughs and sits up. Before he can say anything, I tackle him in a hug, burying my face against the nape of his neck. He says nothing and hugs me back. After a couple of seconds, I shove him off and glare at him as the tears start to roll down my cheeks. My glare falters as concern takes over my face. My bottom lip trembling, I let out a sob as my body starts to quiver, wracked with grief. The sobs coming out, he pulls me to his chest and holds onto me tightly. I press my face against his chest.

"I was so scared of losing you!" I sob.

He buries his face into my hair.


"Because I love you, you dork!"

A few seconds of silence go by, and I fear I said the wrong thing.

"You do?" He asks softly.

"Yes." I whisper.

"But what about Bulma?"

"What about her?" I ask, confusion flooding me.

"I saw you two hugging, and so I figured you fixed your problems."

I laugh.

"No, that was her comforting me when I figured that you and I could never be together since your married to ChiChi."

"I'm going to get a divorce."

I gasp at that, finding this to be too surreal.


"Because I caught her having sex with Yamcha."

That stupid hoe. How dare she hurt Kakarot! She's is clearly stupid if she cheated on him. Anger at her starts to build up.

"Stupid hoe!" I spat. He just chuckles.

"At least this means that you and I can be together."

That's very true. Sighing, I snuggle closer to him. He just chuckles softly. He stands up and, holding me, scoops me up and starts walking.

"Where are we going?" I ask. He just smiles down at me.

"You'll see."

He stops after walking for 10 minutes. He sets me down and grins.

"Ta-da! What do you think? I found this place years ago."

I turn around and gasp.

And that's chapter 16 my lovelies! So what do you think? Were you relieved when Goku finally sat up? So now they can be together! But what does that leave for next? Find out by reading the next chapter. Onward to chapter 17!
Stay kawaii fam
~ Vegeta_fangirl

A saiyan love story: Vegeta x GokuWhere stories live. Discover now