Chapter 7

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*** Goku's dream ***

I'm in the gravity room, training, when Vegeta walks in. I turn around and grin at him.

"Hey, Vegeta. Want to train?"

He smirks as he gets closer to me.

"Oh yeah. But not the kind of training you're talking about."

Before I can figure out what he means, he pounces on me, knocking me down and on my back with him on top.

"Hey, What are y-". I get cut off as he starts to suck and nip at my neck. I let out a moan. I start to moan louder when he gets to my sweet spot, the nape of my neck.

"Ohh, Vegeta." I groan as his hands begin to travel down south. He chuckles against my neck. He starts to stroke my dick, slowly, causing me to moan as I writhe under him, wanting him to go faster. His lips travel to my earlobe and he starts to softly nibble. A soft moan comes out of me.

"Faster, Vegeta." I moan. He starts to go faster, and oh god, does it feel good. I arch my back, thrusting my dick against his hand.

"My, my, aren't you eager." He whispers seductively to me. I groan in pleasure. He starts to untie my sash and tosses it to the side. His hand goes in my pants and to my dick. He starts to jerk me off. Faster, and faster. Yet it's never enough.

"Mmm, Vegeta. Faster." I moan out loudly while softly groping his delicious ass. He softly groans at my touch. This feels so good. It's like he knows exactly what I want. Just as I'm about to cum, he stops. I let out a little whine.

"Don't stop, Vegeta."

He chuckles darkly.

"Oh don't worry, that's not the only way I can make you cum."

He pulls down my pants and my boxers, causing my dick to spring out. He bends down and takes my dick into his mouth. He starts to swirl his tongue around. I throw my head back as a sting of moans leave me. Just as I'm about to cum, I

*** End of dream ***

I jolt awake, and the dream comes to me in vivid details. My face goes red as embarrassment washes over me. Oh my god. Did I seriously dream that? Looking down, I notice something. I have a huge boner. Well crap.

And that's chapter 7 my dears! So, what do you think of that chapter? I mean come on, it was an erotica dream! That action tho. 😏 That had to get you to feel something. Hopefully. Tell me in the comments or pm me. Welp, lets continue on to chapter 8.
Stay kawaii fam
~ Vegeta_fangirl

A saiyan love story: Vegeta x GokuWhere stories live. Discover now