Chapter 3

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Goku's P.O.V

As we fly to Capsule Corp, I look over at Vegeta curiously. When I hugged him, I got a weird feeling. Almost like butterflies when ever you're nervous. Strange. I've never gotten that feeling around him before. And for some reason he was blushing when our hug ended. Would that, he would never feel that way towards me. Besides, we're both married. As these thoughts tumble around inside my head, I don't realize we have arrived to Capsule Corp and was about to fly off.

"Hey, idiot. We're here!"

Snapping out of it, I stop midair and look at Vegeta sheepishly.

"Sorry, I was just thinking."

"Well that's a first."

"Hey! Not true!"

He smirks at me.

"I seriously doubt it."

We both land in front of Capsule Corp. We go up to the front door and go inside. Bulma, spotting us from the living room, jumps up angrily. She stomps up to Vegeta and pokes his chest.

"Who do you think you are to show up here?"

He glares at her.

"I live here, remember?"

She finally notices me and smiles.

"Hi, Goku."

I chuckle sheepishly as I awkwardly scratch the back of my head.

"Hey, Bulma."

"So what's up, you here to train?"

I shake my head.

"No. Me and ChiChi got in an argument and I need a place to stay at for a couple of days until she calms down."

"Of course you can stay here!"

I smile at her gratefully.

"Thanks Bulma."

I hear a soft scoff behind. I look around her and at Vegeta, who has his back to us with his arms crossed.

"You too, Vegeta. Thanks."


I just laugh at his response. Bulma turns to Vegeta.

"Can you show Goku to his room. The one next to ours."

He scoffs. He looks over and me.

"Lets go, idiot."

"All right."

I follow him down a hallway and to a bedroom. He steps to the side. He turns his head to the side.

"Here's your room, moron."

"Thanks, Getes."

He glares at me.

"Don't call me that!"

I put my hands up and chuckle nervously.

"All right, all right. I won't call you that, Okay?"

He scoffs and walks away, leaving me to my room. I go in and look around in wonder. Wow. What a nice room. The doors sliding closed behind me, I kick off my boots and lay down on the bed. Looking up at the ceiling, my thoughts go to ChiChi. I sigh. What did I get myself into when I was younger? I should've just asked ChiChi what a bride was back then before promising anything. Our wedding comes to mind.

*** flash back: their wedding ***

"And do you, Son Goku, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"You may kiss the bride."

ChiChi throws her arms around me and kisses me forcefully.

   *** End of flash back ***

I sigh. I remember feeling sad and empty saying I do and kissing her. I felt more in those few moments hugging Vegeta them I have with ChiChi since I've met her. What does that mean for me? And what does it mean for our marriage?

And that's chapter 3 my dears. So what do you think of it? Do you like the ending of it? Tell me in the comments.
Stay kawaii fam
~ Vegeta_fangirl

A saiyan love story: Vegeta x GokuWhere stories live. Discover now