Chapter 11

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Goku's P.O.V

Why, Kami, why?! Why me?! Oh my sweet Kami, I am so doomed. How in the hell will I ever be able to face Vegeta without turning into an awkward robot and going tomato red? I drag a hand across my face while I sigh. My face heats up again as images of Vegeta's bare chest and arms float through my mind. As though the situation wasn't bad enough. A hot sensation spreads through out my body as those images start to lean towards a fantasy. My hands going to my face in embarrassment, tears start to prick my eyes. For one simple reason. He and I will never be together, and that wrings my heart with pain, as a sinking realization comes to me. I'm gay, or at least for Vegeta. Well, scratch that, two realizations. I have feelings for Vegeta. But I'm with ChiChi! I promised to love her till death. But the simple truth is, I never really loved her in the first place. But I still made a promise to her. So I have to keep it. No matter how my heart clenches with pain at the prospect. I sigh. How did my life get so complicated in just two days? I guess there is only one thing I can do. Ignore these feelings and act like nothing has changed. Even though that's a complete lie. I laugh bitterly. How ironic that I realize I'm gay after I marry a woman and have two kids with her. I crack up at that. You'd think that after having sex with her that I would realize that I don't like women. I shake my head at my own stupidity. That's funny. In a twisted, sad way. Crap. Looks like I'm destined to have a loveless life. That's really something to look forward to. Huh, since when did I use sarcasm? Huh. Strange. If only I wasn't married to ChiChi. I could have a chance at making a move on Vegeta since him and Bulma are getting divorced. What's wrong with me?! I should be consoling my life long best friend, not thinking of hitting on her future ex-husband. I shake my head with self disgust.

"What is wrong with me?"

Vegeta's P.O.V

Okay, seriously. What in the hell is wrong with Kakarot? Again, he just...runs away from me. It's very strange. Wait, what's even stranger is the fact that I'm concerned about him! What the hell is wrong with me? Replaying the interaction, I realize something. He had been staring at my chest, his cheeks flushed red. Why would he be blushing if he's into women, and has a wife? Many questions, with no answers. That right there just leaves not only a bitter taste in my mouth, but also annoyance bubbling inside me. A new realization hits me hard, Like a sucker punch to the gut. I like the fact that he was staring at me. That's not okay! I'm a guy, and so is he! Rushing out of my room, since I'm now dressed, I go to do something to occupy my mind.

Hello peeps! I'm back from a exciting week from school. So Tuesday, my gay bestie was looking for girls who would audition for Kelsi in High School Musical 2 Jr., when he came up to me. He was like, you have a really good voice, so you should try out for Kelsi. I said yes, surprisingly since I have stage fright and am very insecure about, me, in general. So I go to audition, and the director, who is also a literature and Language, and drama teacher, was with my friend's brother, who is her boyfriend, for the auditions. So I had to sing for them, which I did, all the while my heart literally pumping and my hands clammy and sweaty. She said I got the part if I wanted it. I said yes. So I am now Kelsi. Yesterday was my first rehearsal. Today was my second. It was so freakin' lit! I just like got over my insecurity when I was with them. Not only did that happen, but I also lyric prank my best friend. We were talking on Instagram when I decided to prank him. I had my script out and chose to prank him with the song, "Gotta go my own way." He was so confused. 😂 I got to the part where Gabriella sings, I just don't belong here, and he was like, wait, what? Then I followed up with, I hope you'll understand. He misinterpreted it and started freaking out, telling me not to do anything drastic and to stay put. I then realized what conclusion he came to; he thought I was going to commit suicide. I quickly faced time him and told him it was a lyrics prank. I felt so bad. Then he promptly followed that with telling me that he's going to prank me back. So in all, a interesting week, to say the least. Anyways, enough about me. Let's continue on with this extremely gay story!!! 🤩
Stay kawaii fam
~ Vegeta_fangirl

 Let's continue on with this extremely gay story!!! 🤩 Stay kawaii fam ~ Vegeta_fangirl               😍

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Cause why not? 😂😂😂

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