Chapter 17

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Vegeta's P.O.V

Before me is a gorgeous lake that sparkles like diamonds. There's beautiful flowers everywhere, and it's secluded. It's just so beautiful.

"Wow. It's beautiful, Kakarot."

"I know. I come here whenever I'm feeling down or something. No one else knows where it's at. Except you."

The fact that he shared his special place with me touches me. I turn around only to get tackled to the ground. Kakarot starts to tickle me, and I try to get away, laughing so hard that I'm crying.

"S-stop!" I say in between laughs.

"All right."

He gets off of me and I smirk at him mischievously while I crawl over to him and on top of him. I straddle him and begin to suck and nip at his neck. He lets out a moan as I slowly run my tongue over his heated skin. I travel down to the nape of his neck and start to suck and nip, getting aroused when he moans even louder. Jackpot. I found his sweet spot. I begin to abuse it, biting and sucking more vigorously as he throws his head back and moans. I bite down and draw blood. Meeting his gaze, I slowly lap up his blood as he shudders in pleasure. My hands slowly travel south and underneath his shirt. They slowly travel up his abs and up to his chest. Withdrawing my hands, I grab the bottom of his shirt and pull it over him, tossing it to the side. I run my finger across his muscles slowly and with delight as I watch the lust burn brightly in his eyes. I quickly untie his sash and toss it without a care. My hand slips into his pants and to his bulging dick. I place my lips at his ear.

"My, my, aren't we eager." I whisper seductively. He softly moans at my touch. I pull his pants down to his boots and, placing my dick at his bulging area, slowly and torturously grind my dick against his. A moan erupts from him.

"Damn it Vegeta, stop teasing me."

I click my tongue in disappointment.

"Patience is virtue, Kakarot."

I start to put more force behind the grinding, causing him to moan even louder. His hands slowly travel up to my ass and softly squeezes. I let out a moan at his touch.

"Damn Vegeta, I love your ass." He groans out. I chuckle lowly as a hint of blush creeps up and onto my cheeks. Just as he starts to squeeze even harder, to my pleasure, I get off of him. Standing up, I leave him on the ground, aroused and on his way to an orgasm. He lets out a growl of frustration. With my back to him, so also my ass, I kick off my boots.

"You damn tease." He growls out. I chuckle at that.

"It's just so amusing to tease you."

"Fuck you."

I wink at him.

"Oh trust me, you will."

I slowly take off my gloves and set them down. Then I throw off my armor. Grabbing the zipper on my suit, I turn and face Kakarot as I slowly unzip it. Stepping out of it, that left me in tight muscular black boxers. Smirking mischievously, I get back on top of him and take off his boots and pants. My hands traveling to the bulging area in his boxers, I slowly grind against him once more. I start to stroke the bulging area and he lets out a moan.

"You like that?" I ask huskily.

"Yes." He nods vigorously. I smirk.

"Good, cause I'm just getting started."

I start off slow, but begin to pick up the pace at his insistence. Creating friction, he throws his head back and loudly moans.

"I'm gonna make you cum like no one else has." I growl out seductively. I let my hand travel to the waistband of his boxers and pull them off of him, his dick springing out. I grab his dick and feel it pulse in my hand, him moaning at my touch. I start to stroke him slowly, enjoying torturing him like this.


"Beg for it."

"Please, I'll do whatever you want."

I smirk.

"That's all I wanted to hear."

I start to go faster, causing a string of moans to leave him as his orgasm gets closer. I start to go faster, and cums into my hand. Raising my hand to my mouth, I pop a finger in my mouth. I close my eyes ecstatically as I let out a low moan. He tastes so good. Taking my finger out, I lick the rest off of my hand.

"You taste good. Now I have to get seconds."

Bending down, I take him into my mouth, swirling my tongue around his dick. He lets out a loud moan as he thrusts his dick farther down my throat. I start to choke, causing him to get more aroused, therefore more wet. I bob my head up and down, getting more aroused when he lets out a string of moans. He soon cums inside of me and I swallow it all.


"What?" I purr out seductively.

"Fuck me already."

"How hard do you want your ass beating to be?"

"So hard that I can't walk at all."

I smirk.

"Your wish is my command." I whisper out throatily.

"And call me Sir, Kakarot."

"Yes, Vegeta."

"What did I just tell you?"

I quickly flip him over, his ass in front of me. I rear my hand back and slap his ass hard. He lets out a yelp.

"You are to call me Sir. Got it?"

Yes, Sir."

I smirk.

"Good." Pulling my own boxers off, I toss them to the side as I position my dick at his entrance. I thrust into him and he lets out a yelp of pain. I go taut, letting him adjust to my size. After he adjusts, I pull almost all the way out of him and pound into him, his moan encouraging me on. I start to pound into him some more, our moans filling the silence of the air.

"I-i said to fuck me so hard that I can't walk, Sir."

At that, I let go of all control and begin to pound into him with wild abandon that leaves him screaming my name.

"Scream my name."

I start to go at my fastest as I go Super Saiyan Blue.


I cum inside of him, thrusts a couple of more times, and pull out. I flop beside him and he flips onto his back, both of us sweaty and panting. He pulls me to his chest and kisses my forehead.

"I love you, Vegeta."

At those words, a realization hits me like a sucker punch to the gut. I am in love with Kakarot. I've loved him for a long time, I just didn't realize it until now. Until when I hear those precious words come from his mouth. Snuggling up to him, I sigh.

"I love you too, Kakarot."

And that's the end of chapter 17! That was a long chapter. Was it worth the wait? I believe it was worth it. I hope it was long enough. (That's what he said 😏) I hope it was steamy enough for you guys. The story doesn't end there, so stick around for chapter 18.
Stay kawaii fam
~ Vegeta_fangirl

A saiyan love story: Vegeta x GokuWhere stories live. Discover now