Chapter 5

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Vegeta's P.O.V

I let Kakarot embrace me, needing that gentle touch that reassures you that someone is there for you. The tears rolling down my cheeks, I sniffle. Right now, all I feel is comfort. Thanks to Kakarot. I bury my face against his chest while my arms tighten around him. He presses his face into my hair.

"It's all right." He cooes softly. I let out a sigh of....relief. The effect of crying taking over me, plus the fact that, begrudgingly, I feel safe and comfortable in Kakarot's arms, my eyelids start to flutter as drowsiness starts to take over....

Goku's P.O.V

Soft snores now come from Vegeta. I softly smile to myself. How cute. I scoop him up and carry him bridal style. The gravity room's doors slide open and I leave the room. I walk to the room next to mine and wait as the doors slide open. Walking over to the bed, I balance him on my hip and pull back the covers. I gently lay him down. Setting his feet on my lap, I gently pull off his boots and set them beside the bed. I tuck his feet underneath the sheets and covers. I then bring his hands to mine and pull off the gloves. I set them on the dresser beside the bed. I then place his hands back to him and pull the sheets and covers over him and stop at his shoulders. Standing up, I gaze down at him. Huh. He looks so peaceful sleeping. More so than he ever has awake. A sudden urge driving me, I lean down and gently press my lips to his forehead and stay right there for a few seconds. I quickly jerk back, in shock. What did I just do? Did I just kiss his forehead? I quickly rush out of the room.

Vegeta's P.O.V

Swaying motions waking me up, I realize something very quickly. Someone was carrying me. To where, I have no clue. But I know who someone is; Kakarot. He enters a room and sets me down on the bed. After he takes off my boots and gloves, he pulls the sheets and covers over me. Then I feel his... lips?! On my forehead?! I keep my eyes shut until the doors slide open and close. I quickly open my eyes and my hand goes to the spot where Kakarot kissed my forehead. It...tingles. Strange. A smile unknowingly comes to my face as a strange sensation begins in my stomach. What could this mean? I couldn't be developing feelings for Kakarot... could I? My eyes fluttering shut, exhaustion takes over and everything goes black.

And that's chapter 5! So what do you lovely readers think about it? Did you like it? Was there something you didn't like? Tell me in the comments or just pm me. Either one is fine. Anyways, let's continue on... to chapter 6!
Stay kawaii fam
~ Vegeta_fangirl

A saiyan love story: Vegeta x GokuWhere stories live. Discover now