Unknown place

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"Why you shaking?" Jeff asked you, as he said, his tone sounded very Yandere. "I'm fine..." you quietly tried to walk away but Jeff grabbed your hand. "Y/N.." Jeff hesitated. "I'm sorry if I startled you, with that beautiful smile of mine" Jeff apologized. "Um...it's okay" you said with a little bit of silent. "Either way, you're beautiful without a permanent smile" Jeff chuckled. "Uh, Thank you" You blushed embarrassly, Were you seriously falling for a psychopath?. Maybe he's not so bad?. No!, Never!, That man is insane, carving a smile into his cheeks?. He deserves a 20 years of being in a mental asylum. "Hello?, earth to Y/N?" Jeff snapped his fingers into your face. "You're not deaf, are you?" Jeff teased playfully. "No I'm not deaf, you dipwit" you replied. You hit Jeff in the knee with your cane and ran away giggling like a child. You crashed into a tree. "Ow" You said. "Watch where you're going." Jeff helped you up. "Well I can't help myself, if my eyes don't work Jeffy" you playfully teased him. "Yeah whatever." Jeff sighed. "You're lucky.." Jeff stopped his sentence. "Huh?, Why?" You repiled confusedly. "Because I...Um..." Jeff went quiet. There was three seconds of silence. Until Jeff continued. "Uh, never mind" Jeff shook his head. "Whatever you say." You were still curious on what he was planning on saying.  Oh well, like they say, Curiousness kills the cat. Jeff started guiding you somewhere, Who knows where?. "Where are we going again?" You sighed. "You'll see" Jeff replied. The tone of Jeff, you could tell he was excited for something. You were in a place, didn't know where. You were placed on something. There was a pillow. You were on the bed. Jeff gave you something. It was his hoodie. "What do I do with this?" You asked him. "Wear it, it will keep you safe and warm" Jeff said softly. "Okay then.." you had trouble putting it on. But Jeff helped you. You nuzzled his hoodie sleeves. It seems to have a scent of something. It smelled dry and had a bad scent. You could feel the dry stains on his hoodie. "Your hoodie smells odd" you said. "It's because, it had blood stains from making my victims not suffer anymore, Such good times Hahah" Jeff chuckled. You were traumatized. Was he planning on killing you or what?.

(helko is you made it this far pls follow :D)

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