I'll kill you, but you're fragile so i choose not to

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Jeff's POV: Y/N woke up, yawning softly.

Your POV: "Eh?" You realized where your head as been placed. Your head on his lap, you jumped and glared at him, at least trying to, He giggled at your embarrassment, as you didnt look very scary to him as your eyes moved everywhere, since you are blind.  "D-dumbass!" You yelled at him, not very loud though.  "You are not very frightening." Jeff chuckled and walked over to you and patted your head. "It was just an accident!!" You growled at him. "Mhm." Jeff said sarcastically. "You know, its rude not to say thank you." Jeff whispered to your ear and growled a little. "Thank you for what?" You said while you rolled your eyes, trying to at least. "I gave you warmth, would you rather live in that cold, mean, useless world?" Jeff tilted his head. "Anywhere without you, is fine." You growled. Jeff sighed and lifted your chin, he started to scare you a little. "If you ever escape, i will find you and a price will be paid" Jeff blew air into your neck(i felt so uncomfortable typing that lmao) Jeff's voice kept quiet and serious, you didnt like the tone of his serious voice, What price will be paid? was he going to hurt you? No, he promised, Pft, he is probably lying, he is a killer, he has been on the news for a while. "Do you understand?" Jeff held the knife to your throat. "This is a knife and its very sharp, but you know, i wouldnt kill someone as fragile as you" he said softly. "Though..." Jeff snickered. You felt afraid. Jeff hugged you. "I love you, in a very romantic way, though im not very romantic." Jeff sighed.

(Tyy for reading pls follow and comment!)

Blood Thief(Jeff The Killer X Blind!Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now