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Your POV: i felt paralyzed, Was I dead or what? Couldn't really tell, since I was blind, Kinda forgotten where or why I was in this weird place. I felt the fabric of a hood, Oh shit, Jeff you CANT be serious. There was a sort of ringing in my head for a moment, but it quickly faded, I tried not to make a peep and make a run for it, to get out and tell the police on him. "Oh, Y/N are you okay? Sorry I knocked you out..." Jeff had nervously apologized. "YOU DID WHAT?! EXCUSE ME?!" I snarled at the moment he said the words that flew out of his mouth. "IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, ALRIGHT?" Jeff yelled, but not enough to cause the others to hear. "YOU ARE SO STUPID" I hissed at him, he went quiet. "I just..." Jeff hesitated, he didn't finish his words, me, being myself. I groaned in disappointment. "You good for nothing shitty bitch!" I snarled at him. "YOU NEVER LISTEN TO ME, ITS SO HARD TO SHOW THAT I CARE, YOU JUST DONT UNDERSTAND. I went silent, did I really feel bad for a killer, How can I be so dumb? No! I won't feel bad! He really is GOOD FOR NOTHING! "I'm just trying to protect you! From that nasty fucking world! But I can't if you won't participate in that choice!" I heard the sadness of the tone Jeff had, Hes only making excuses so he can plot to kill me, isn't he? "If you loved me you wouldn't have killed my mother!" I screamed at him, I also felt the same thing as Jeff had felt, the sadness and guilt that was in both of our tones. "I had no choice!" Jeff started to cry, I could tell, when you're blind like me. You just have to remember the voice. The sadness tone, the anger tone. Everything! "What do you mean you HAD no choice?!" I snarled at him once again, I felt so weak, I felt guilty somehow. But I refused to accept the words he said. "She was going to call the police!" Jeff once yelled again. "You could've talked to me for arrangements!" I screamed out of sadness and anger somehow. "That's the same thing Liu said..., Yet he never did the words he said, BECAUSE HES A FUCKING LIAR!" Jeff screamed, the tone turned to anger, I could still hear the sadness though.

Blood Thief(Jeff The Killer X Blind!Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now