Jeff's Confession

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You woke up. You felt your cheeks. You had no smile what so ever. "Oh Y/N, you're awake." Jeff sat beside you. "Huh?- What?" You were confused af. "You fell asleep as I was going with  Slenderman on a mission. I heard you screaming, so I told Slenderman I Would stay back" Jeff rubbed the back of his neck. "So it was all a dream-?" You said anxiously. "Now I'm confused" Jeff chuckled. "I had a dream I was like getting a permanent smile, you forced me to. And it hurt like really bad" you felt tears roll down your cheeks as you were traumatized. "I wouldn't do that to you, if you didn't want to." Jeff hugged you tightly, as you snuggled on his blood scented hoodie.

*time skip*

"Y/N..." Jeff mumbled to you. "Yeah?" You replied curiously. "I for you, I understand you may not like me, cause I killed your mom.." Jeff hesitated. "You what.." you were in shock, why would he like you. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you." Jeff went quiet and everything was quiet for a while. "Why do you like me?" You questioned him. "Well, you're brave, you're tough.." Jeff chuckled a bit. You blushed embarrassly. You covered your face. "You were so defensive when I killed your mother, so I had a feeling you were very caring for others, but I mean, I am sorry..." Jeff had a tiny tear roll down his cheek. "I don't know what to say.." you were still in shock. "Please..Y/N..." Jeff hesitated. "Um.." you didn't know what to say still. "I don't know.." you paused with a little bit of your sentence. Jeff refused to let you decide, he went ahead and kissed you. His lips tasted like blood, Blood wasn't a very nice taste at ALL. "Sorry.." Jeff rubbed the back of his neck. "It's okay..." you smiled. "I don't have lips since the smile, ya I may be bad at this whole kissing thing." It was a little moment of silence for a bit. "All I could taste was blood, Smiley" you teased playfully. "Hey, my name is Jeff, not smiley" Jeff whined. "Smiley, smiley smileyyy" you annoyed the hell out of him. "Fine, If you call me that, I can call you girlfriend" Jeff chuckled. "Um, uh uh" you blushed at the word he said. "Well you didn't say no" Jeff purred. "I didn't say yes" You hissed. Jeff patted your head. "I love when you're mad" Jeff hugged you tightly.

Blood Thief(Jeff The Killer X Blind!Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now