"Accident Fire"

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"Y/N, don't be scared, I won't harm you, even if my life depended on it" Jeff softly told you. "Where can I put my cane?" You asked Jeff. "Here" Jeff took your cane, and folded it and placed it on the table. He guided your hand and you nodded for where to get the cane. "I'll remember that." you nodded and Jeff took you down the stairs, he helped you a lot. "Y/N, you should be at school, Shouldn't you?." Jeff asked you. "Well Jeffy, you took me here. So you can be the blame for my F In my exams" you teased him. "Yeah whatever Y/N" Jeff sighed. Jeff brought you back to school  You went upstairs to your classroom.  "HEY BLINDIE" B/N(bully name) Called out. You ignored them. "B/N! Watch your language!" Your teacher shouted at the bully. You placed your cane away and your class headed out for gym. Everybody shoved into you. Ugh, you thought. People these days don't have no manners anymore. The generation is just pitiful. You started following your class to gym. Your teacher helped you. "Stop it, I can do it myself" You complained. "You can't see down the stairs, How can you walk without tripping?" The teacher sounded like she was mocking you. "I can still walk." You complained. "Just shut up your attitude!, Just let me help you. It's very rude to not accept people's help!" The teacher whined like a child. "I can be independent" you rolled your eyes some how. "Don't ever accept my help again then" your teacher left you behind. You sighed. "Jeff..Why can't you come to my school and just be there so I don't have to deal with these idiots" you whispered quietly. "Do you want help?" You heard the sound of Jeff. "What school did you go to? Before for Well...Until you became...A psychopath" you felt salty saying that. "Oh No no, I'm not a psychopath. But the humans are, But you. You're something else." Jeff let out a small chuckle. "Y/N, where's my hoodie?" Jeff asked you softly. "I put in my locker so people won't get scared and stuff." You replied. "Oh okay" Jeff nodded. "I hate this school" You whined. "Do you?" Jeff asked you. "Yes I hate it, I hope it gets sent on fire" you complained.

*the next day* you came to school and everybody was outside crying. You were curious. You smelled smoke and fire. Could this have really happened?

Blood Thief(Jeff The Killer X Blind!Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now