He Tells Me His Worries

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Your POV: I winced, biting my lip in distress as the pain. Once again, strongly zapped me. "It fucking hurts, damn it..." I scowled at myself, being quite the idiot and running off. What was I honestly thinking? I swear, sometimes I am a complete moron, I debated to try and convince Jeff or not. To tell me what the hell was wrong and going on, because his voice seemed frantic. I decided, I would definitely ask him, he's done a lot for me. Must as well repay him, somehow I guess. "Hey Jeff?" I tried my best to show sympathetic, though the pain in my body still burned like flames. "Mm-hm?" He cocked his head, I grimaced, getting all of my strength, to try and comfort him. "Are you sure you're okay? You know, I won't judge you, I know what it's like to suffer." I nodded lightly. To not make myself have a headache again, "I guess, I'll tell you. Its not like it'll matter anyway." He sighed deeply, I stood still. Waiting for a respond. "So, basically....Zalgo, he is a monster and, well. He hates me, tch..." he said in annoyance. I chuckled, trying to cheer up the sad mood, "Did you kill someone he loved or what?" I got no response, nothing but white silence. "Sorry..." I winced, sighing softly. Jeff softly replied. "No, it's okay. It's just, I think he might try to kill me." He gulped, I shuddered at the thought. Imaging Jeff getting stabbed or shot, somehow. The feeling made me feel heavy and wobbly.
(I'll update this soon <3)

Blood Thief(Jeff The Killer X Blind!Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now