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You hear fire alarms and your school was ruined. It was burned and the firefighters were to late to put out the fire. You were send home. You took Jeff's hoodie from your locker and placed it in your bag. You got into your moms car and you arrived at your house. You went upstairs and wore Jeff's hoodie. Your house was cold and why was it cold?. Maybe your mom forgot to turn on the heater. Jeff's hoodie was warm, expect for that blood scent. "Y/N?" Your mom walked in and saw you with the bloody hoodie. "Whos hoodie is that?!" Your mom said traumatized. You forgot you HAD NO WHITE HOODIE. So there's no way to make up an excuse. "Mom...I think I accidentally took someone else's hoodie" you said hesitantly. "Why is there red stains?" Your mom said frightened. "Maybe someone spill paint.." you hesitated. "Let me smell your hoodie, I don't want you-" your mom smelled your hoodie and realize it was blood. "Oh..My....LORD!" Your mom screams. "Mom?! What's wrong?" You said worriedly. You didn't want to get Jeff into trouble. "That's blood! That's not red paint!" Your mom screams once again. "Why would your SCHOOL HAVE A BLOODY HOODIE?!" Your mom backs away. You took off the hoodie and stood up silently. "Honey...Please stay calm, I'm calling 911." Your mom cries and dials 911. "Hello 911?, Yes, my daughter-" Your mom looks behind you and drops the phone. "Mom?.." You said afraid. Your mom was speechless like she saw a ghost or something. "Mom what's wrong?!" You panicked. "GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGTHER!" Your mom holds a gun from behind you. you turned around scared and hold your hand out to the unknown person. "Y/N.." you heard the sound of a raspy male voice, It sounded like.., JEFF!, Was he murdering you?!. "Jeff?.." you backed away. "Oh hahah, Do not worry Y/N, I am not here for you." Jeff said softly to you. "What do you want?!" You yelled. "Shh, Just, Go, To SLEEP!" Jeff launches a knife to your mother's neck. Your mom falls onto the ground and drops the gun. "J-Jeff..." you say quietly. "Y/N, I love you-" you cut Jeff off. "HOW CAN I LOVE YOU?! YOU KILLED MY ONE AND ONLY MOTHER!, YOU MONSTER!!" You screamed and shouted. "Y/N.." Jeff says quietly. The police breaks in and holds a gun to Jeff, but he was to fast and manages to escape.

Blood Thief(Jeff The Killer X Blind!Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now