18 Birthday

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(Okay, pretend it's been 1 month oki?)

Your POV: it's been 1 month, It's also my 18 birthday today, I started writing in this paper I found, Jeff was busy downstairs, yelling at his weird psychotic friends. He came back upstairs and leaned on his door. "Happy birthday..." He cleared his throat. "How did you....?" I sounded a bit surprised. "Let's just say, I have Ben hacking your information." He chuckled to himself. "That's....fucked up.." I sighed. "I got you a gift, it's not much though.." Jeff held a box in his hand, a little red wrapping paper, a box as it seemed like it had something inside. "What is it?" I started to unwrap it. "Just open it.." He watched you open it. I felt it, it felt like something familiar, "a hoodie?..." I smiled softly. "Yeah, you look cold all the time, so I thought it would help.." He nervously chuckled. "Thank you..." I crawled closer to him, trying to find his location, "What are you up to?" He came  closer to me, to seeing if something was wrong. I wrapped my arms around him. "Thank you...so much..." I hugged him gently. "You're welcome, Y/N.." he hugged back softly, knowing his strength was stronger than mine. "Sooo~" He petted my head. "So what?" I said awkwardly. "You like me or what?" He whispered into my ear. I scoffed, "Ha, You wish" I chuckled. "Seriously?! EVERY GIRL LIKES ME AND YOU JUST LAUGH AT ME?" Jeff whined in his annoying cute-ish voice. "Because you're a fool and an idiot, no offence" i scoffed. "What do I do that you will love me?!" He placed his hand on my shoulders. "First of all, Don't kill people idiot, second of all, TRY NOT TO BE SO PSYCHOTIC?!" I snarled at him. "Well, Blindie I can't just magically bring your mom back" he scoffed. "What did you call me?! I may be blind! But I'm not deaf!" I growled. "Ugh...you're so complicated.." he sighed. "Yeah yeah, Did you bring me cake or what?" I squeezed his arm, as an sign, of fuck of. "Do you think I'm a bloody millionaire?!" He scoffed. "SOME GIFTS ARENT EXPENSIVE YOU FOOL!" I managed to elbow him in the side. "Ouch, that hurt.." he whimpered in his annoying voice again. "Can you just shut up?!" I scoffed. "Look, I don't have no damn credit card to buy you fucking gifts." He hissed. "Whatever, you broke ass bitch" I mumbled quietly.

Blood Thief(Jeff The Killer X Blind!Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now