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"I don't give a damn if you ain't romantic" you had said roughly. "I swear if could see your horrible face and the horrible things you might have done, i will choke you literally." You folded your arms and then snarled at him. "Oh, Sounds kinky" he said stupidly. "Err right, i am going outside somewhere, i guess.." you said nervously and flinched a little. "Who gives you the permission to go outside? I didn't say you could" he said curiously. "You're not the boss of me." You walked away, kind of trying to run but again, not running in case he senses something is up. He didn't start a fight or argument, which was surprising for you at least. You managed to find the door handle and took a step outside, luckily not tripping on anything. You had let your cane guide you and you found a abandoned house, being your curious self you went inside and found a couch, you had slept for 2 hours without realizing.

Jeffs POV: "Whats taking her so long?" I said, in frustration. "That girl is probably lost, no doubt" i said rolling my dry eyes. "I should have came with her, ugh." I got off the floor and looked outside the door. She wasn't there, Could she be dead by now? Jesus Christ, i feel like a father looking after some stupid stubborn girl, though she is adorable, kind of stupid really. I shook my head, i should focus on the fact that she isn't here anymore. Wait, did she run away? "She couldn't have gotten far" i said anxiously to myself, worried as can be.

(updates coming soon UwU)

Blood Thief(Jeff The Killer X Blind!Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now