Going Home

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Jeff's POV: I sighed softly and looked at Y/N, frustrated and upset at the same time. "Put your arms up, I'll carry you home." She put her arms up, which has surprised me a little. She's not really a kind of girl that obeys, but she seems more trusting but not trusting enough to be my girlfriend sadly.

Your POV: I raised my arms up, he picked me up and my head was ringing slightly, he started walking which was easy to tell, because of the noises that you make when you walk, I know how walking sounds. "I'm...I'm sorry" I said, I wasn't sure why I apologized, but it felt necessary in a way I couldn't explain. "You could've gotten yourself killed, what if I didn't find you and you were dead, do you realize how upset I'd be if you were fucking dead?" Jeff cursed angrily, my heart felt like it was punched, I couldn't understand what this feeling was or explain what it is. "Why...why do you choose me? Why not someone prettier than me?" I was upset as well now, maybe he wasn't the crazy-psychotic-killer, he was only misunderstood, I decided to finally understand, he really did care about me, like no one ever did. All I did was get bullied by stupid kids at a dumb school, and I was a pushy little brat that refused to be loved. Maybe because I don't want to get hurt, but it's hard to believe that Jeff would hurt me, it was just really unbelievable, I didn't know why. I felt the tears rolled down, realizing that it was really nice to have someone that cares so much, something pressed against my lips, he kissed me. He actually kissed me, I didn't kill back nor did I fight out the same way I used too. Maybe I should give him a chance, we soon arrived home because I heard a door open, he placed me on the bed gently and carefully. "Will you be alright Y/N?" He tilted his head, looking at me. He opened a bottle of water and put it towards my mouth, "You know, I could always...if it's alright..." his face turned red, visible because of his white skin. "Huh..?" I was tired and cold, I felt the water bottles presence and put it away, careful not to spill anything. "Do you need new clothes? I could always help you, you know...change out of your ripped clothes." He sat beside me and rubbed my back, it was soothing.

Blood Thief(Jeff The Killer X Blind!Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now