Love is Easy

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"Y/ just don't understand, Do you? Foolish, Brainwashed, All because of your mother" Jeff calmed down a bit, I was still a bit worried, I don't want to be worried for him, I don't care about anyone! He killed the people I LOVED most! He's useless. "I'm not a fool, You're the fool!" I squeezed my fingers on my hand, making a fist, I was full of anger and sadness, A lot of mixed emotions. "The world, it's dangerous out there, it killed me enough, so I realized, it's not safe and IM NOT FUCKING RISKING YOU!" Jeff shouted, Still nobody heard. "I hate you!" I shouted at him. Did I really though? "I don't care, Either you like it or not. You're not going anywhere" Jeff started to chuckle a bit, I started getting a bit anxious. "You'll learn to love me, Everybody learns." Jeff chuckled and everything went silence. I sat on the couch that I found, I started crying for no reason whatsoever, Still silence. I don't think I actually hate him, But he's a monster! A fucking monster! I cried and cried, until I was tired out. I didn't wanna be here alone, Seriously? Was I actually scared? I tried to find my way to the bed, but quickly sat down, I layed on the couch and fell asleep, I didn't care if I died anymore, at least I'll be with my mom.

Jeffs POV: I sighed, don't know how she didn't notice and saw her laying on the couch, I felt her chest, Not touching her anywhere bad, just the area around her heart, She was still breathing, Phew. I decided not to carry her, in fear she would wake up and die from fear. I just placed my hoodie on her again, i sighed again, this girl is more stubborn than I am and I'm the second oldest in the house. I saw Y/N beginning to wake up, out of nervousness, I helped her get off the couch safely, her cane was folded on the table, nobody stole it. Well I mean who would, nobody needs it beside Y/N. I hugged Y/N out of the blue and squeezed her lightly, she didn't do anything, which I was supprised by. She would normally refused to participate, "Can't you me?" I asked her softly, She didn't say anything, like she was in shock or speechless. "I don't know how.." she mumbled, Why didn't she know how? "Why?" I asked her softly once again. "I was never taught such a thing.." she responded. "Everybody knows how to love" i replied.

Blood Thief(Jeff The Killer X Blind!Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now