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My head didn't even hurt like it was supposed to when you get hit by a car in an accident and you try to remember to something. I recalled nothing although her face seemed like the smear of colours I see in my dreams sometimes.

"How can you not..." she whispered.

"I'm so sorry. I just can't." I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly. I tried to avoid meeting her eyes. She was making me feel guilty for not remembering anything about her.

She sighed. "It's okay. I just..." She took a deep breath. "I'm Taylor. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Harry. Nice to meet you too." I smiled, hoping it would somehow make her feel better.

She glanced at Louis with a gentle smile. "And you are...?"

"Louis. Louis Tomlinson."

"Hi, Louis."

"Since there is nothing else to talk about, we will leave you to reading. Or more specifically, your staring at this dude over here." Louis patted my shoulders and walked off.

"Hey." But Louis continued walking away. I stood before Taylor. If I ever meet someone like her, I would definitely remember her but no, I haven't and it's so hard to not feel bad for what I'm unable to achieve.

Her eyes looked tired and sad somehow. She stared into my eyes for a while, like she was begging for me to remember. Then, she turned back to her book. I bit my lip and walked off slowly. I turned around to give her one last look. Still nothing. I sighed.


"What the actual fuck just happened?" Louis asked once our room door was shut.

I shrugged. "It's like I know her but I don't." I put down my bag on my desk and collapsed on my bed, exhausted.

"Uh-huh. You know that made no sense to me, right?"

I stared at the wall. "Yeah."

"She's kinda pretty though."

"You don't say."

My mind was filled with questions and the image of her from earlier on. I couldn't get over the unhappiness in her eyes. Slowly, my mind slowed down and everything was blurry.


It was all in this vintage videotape. She was spinning in a dress, glancing at the camera, laughing. Beautiful as always. It just seemed so peaceful. She took the camera and spinned it. However, no one was even holding it in the first place. Suddenly, she spinned so fast that the camera dropped onto the ground.

There was a scream and her body collapsed to the ground. Her blue eyes were staring at the camera. Taylor.

I jolted up, breathing heavily. My face was covered with sweat. I looked around the room. The curtains were still covering the window. I heard some muffled shouting downs.

Louis was nowhere to be seen. I panicked. I grabbed my clock. 9am.

"Shit!" I exclaimed. I immediately jumped out of bed. I grabbed any set of clothes which I could find from my pile of unpacked clothes and ran into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth while pulling my clothes on. I stuffed my laptop into my bag and ran out.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. was all I was thinking as I rushed to where my class was. I ran as fast as my legs could take me.

Once I reached the lecture hall, I immediately pushed the door open to find the professor standing in mid-sentence, hand in the air. He frowned.

"Styles," he hissed, making his way towards me. I bit my lip.

"Why are you late?" he asked, an eyebrow raised.

"I... Er... Overslept...?" It came out as a question. Oddly.

He glared at me for a while before sighing and shaking his head. "Go to your seat, Mr Styles." He mumbled something before resuming what he was saying.

I scanned the class. Taylor.

Somehow these thoughts came to me as a surprise, that one, she wasn't here yesterday and two, she wasn't staring at me. Maybe she's just paying attention to the lesson.

I hurriedly settled down. I placed my bag on my lap and took out the things I need.

"... So class, have you completed the assignment?" Professor Smith asked. A few nodded.

"Great. I would like you to pick someone to edit it. By doing this, you can learn from each other's way of writing." He clapped his hand together. "Now, go."

Everyone was glancing around instead of moving their feet and actually finding a partner. My eyes wandered to where Taylor was. She was talking to the girl beside her. Apparently, she had a partner now. I sighed.

I took out my laptop and switched it on.

"Hey, wanna be partners?" the girl sitting before me asked. I looked up from my laptop. She had long wavy dark brown hair and a headband with a big bow on top.

"Um... Sure." I gave her a nervous smile. What is up with this college and beautiful girls?

She smiled. "Hi, I'm Camila."


"Nice to meet you, Harry."

I still had that stupid smile stuck on my face. I was unsure of what else to do, being the socially awkward person I am.

"So... your story?" she asked expectantly.

"Oh. Er... Yeah." My finger slid across my mousepad and swiftly, I found the mini story assignment I did yesterday. I turned the laptop so it was facing her. While she read, I sneaked a peek at where Taylor was. She was working with... A guy.

I watched as they chatted happily, with big wide smiles on their faces. Taylor was laughing at whatever the guy was saying. A gush of jealousy engulfed me.

"Harry?" Camila called. I diverted my attention from them, still angry. Why am I even jealous? I shouldn't be. It's not like the reason she stared at me was because she liked me. It was because I was someone she know. Plus, it's her life.

"Harry!" she shouted softly. I finally came back to reality.

The entire class was staring at us. I bit my lip. Shit.

"Seems like Ms Cabello and Mr Styles are done." Professor Smith pulled his spectacles down so it landed on the tip of his nose. I wanted to reply but he said, "You two shall be the first to present." We couldn't deny it because he went back to whatever he was doing.

Camila gave me a nasty glare. "Fuck you."

I frowned. "Fuck you."

This is probably going to the worst day ever.


sorry if they swear too much :/






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