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Why is everyone out to get me? Am I that important? Is it because of Taylor? Is it because of whatever reputation she has in whatever heavenly premises they dwell in? Why me?

I was scared. Actually, beyond scared to even speak but I managed to just let out a small squeak. "Why me?" I glanced at Kenneth who avoided my gaze and then, at Natalie, my guardian angel who is supposed to help me but instead she shrugged with an apologetic look.

"This turned from a paranormal phenomenon to a war between heavenly creatures," Louis said.

"Not technically," Natalie said, pushing her spectacles up her nose. "We are not sure if the demons are just here to find trouble or to destroy the entire realm of angels and mankind."

"They might kill us?" Camila exclaimed.

"If they plan on killing Harry, maybe."

Camila began hyperventilating. Louis held onto her shoulder, arm behind her back. "Are you okay?" Then, tears started streaming down her face.

"I don't want to die..." she cried.

Neither do I.


Taylor's POV

"Why did you let me go?" My eyes were trying to adjust to the darkness but it was literally pitch black in here. I can't see anything at all. Not even my body.

"Because I wanted to let you see your friends for one last time..." the voice hissed.

"What about our head angel? Why can't you let him go?" My mind kept replaying at how damaged he looked when I arrived here. This dark castle that has allowed itself to live in my dreams. Wait, no, nightmares.

"Obviously I can't let him go after what he has done to me."

"Are you... that guy? That guy they banished from heaven? That fallen angel?"

"Why aren't you a smart little gal?"

"Flattery does not stop me from hating you for what you are doing to us."

"Sassy." I could somehow hear him smirk.

"Can you cut the bullshit and get to the point as to what you plan to do when you hold us as hostages?"

"Kill both of you."

Despite my heart skipping a beat, I decided to taunt him. "Are you kidding me? Just kill us? You can just do it right now. Why the wait?"

"Well... I have a little surprise for you at night, dearie. Now, you are free to go back to the human realm." I heard a snap of fingers and then, I felt the softness of the bed once again and saw only the darkness beneath my eyelids. I took in a deep breath and sat up immediately, eyes wide open.

I noticed the sun setting and everyone was resting on the floor. Kenneth was staring at the ceiling on the bed a few metres away next to mine.

"Ken," I whispered.

He whipped his head to face me. "Taylor!"

Then, everyone woke up. I smacked my forehead. Kenneth can be such an idiot sometimes.

"Taylor!" Harry exclaimed. His hand touched mine. It felt so foreign somehow. To see him alive but somehow in a different aspect. I sat up.

I smiled at him. I looked into the same old green eyes I have seen when Harry was still alive. When I hadn't got jealous of his relationship with Giselle. When I hadn't run out of the door, not listening to his explanation on how I found him kissing his slutty ex-girlfriend. When I had him all to myself.

I noticed Natalie and Kenneth frowning. I kept forgetting that angels can read thoughts. I smiled sheepishly at them. Natalie laughed. Kenneth looked down at his feet. I knew how he felt about me but he just wasn't the one for me. Harry is.

My sight began to turn blurry. I was starting to cry. "Why are you crying?" Harry levelled himself so I was looking right into those sad eyes. Then, I found myself giving him a hug, one that I have always wanted to give him when he was lying on the hospital bed. Everyday, I see that same bruised face lying motionless on the pillow and the familiar beeping of the machine that was monitoring his heartrate. The machine that also made this monotonous, sharp sound when he lost his life.

"Don't cry, Taylor... I'm here." he whispered. He patted my back gently.

"You died, because of me..."

"No, it's okay, love. It's not your fault."

"But you don't even know what happened."

"I do actually." He pushed me back, so we were looking at each other eye to eye. "Kenneth told me."

I glanced at Kenneth who was lying on the bed, back facing us.

"You don't have to be sorry, really. I guess it's actually the past me's fault because I let that girl kiss me, ya know." He laughed a little and ran a hand through his hair. He looked so adorable with that smile and I missed it so bad.

I gave him a small kiss on his lips, then hugged him. "I miss you so much..."


filler chapter.

yes, a chapter filled with feels

^_^ i love you all so much! ♡




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