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I threw my bag over my back and made my way out of the room. I locked the door. I turned around and Camila was standing outside.

She looked at me for a while before she smiled. "Hi."

"Hi. I thought you are still mad at me?" I raised an eyebrow.

She laughed nervously. "I'm sorry...?"

I sighed. "I'm supposed to be the one to apologise anyway. I shouldn't say that you don't have any friends because you are probably the annoying person I have ever met my whole life."

"That actually means you have no friends. I mean, seriously, who have never met someone who annoys the crap out of them before?" My heart skipped a beat. Because It was true.

She pursed her lips together after saying it. "I'm so sorry..." She smacked her cheek. "Stop being annoying," she scolded herself.

"It's okay." I forced a smile. I really hated to admit that what said was true. I never had an actual friend since I was always this dorky and quiet kid since middle school. Maybe because I experienced too much rejection. Or maybe I just feel like people are so hard to comprehend nowadays. I mean, you never know when you will hurt them. And when they will hurt you.

I was rejected by girls and boys alike. Yes, I had friends but they never seemed to like me. I was always never invited anywhere with them. I had experienced times where my "friends" would announce to the school who my crush was and my life was ruined.

I loved reading since I managed to find myself cooped up at home, reading instead of being around "friends". Then, I stumbled upon (a/n: i'm so sorry i forgot the website name. is this correct? do you guys even remember? lol). The only place I felt like I belong was the website where I got my stories published, where I could expressed my feelings through my characters.

"HARRY!" Camila yelled.

I snapped out of my trance. Camila looked worried. "Are you okay?"

"Ye... Yeah, I'm okay..." I kept my fake smile on as she spoke.

"But anyway, I'm sorry for saying that you have no friends. I mean, you got Louis, right?" She laughed nervously.

I nodded. She scratched the back of her neck awkwardly. "So... Yeah..."

"Have I apologised yet?" I asked absentmindedly.

"I think so..."

We stood there staring at each other for a while. I noticed her cheeks turned a certain pinkish red. I raised an eyebrow. I realised we were supposed to be heading to class. I whipped out my phone. 8:58am.

"Shit. We are going to be late!" I exclaimed. I grabbed onto her hand and rushed to the elevator. The door opened and we got in.

"Er... Harry..." Camila said. I looked at her.

She pointed at our hands. I immediately let go of her wrist and apologised. My heart was beating so fast. I never held a girl's hand before. But this was on accident.

We finally arrived at the first floor and we ran all the way to the lecture hall.


When we arrived, we were just in time. Professor Smith was opening up his laptop. He glanced at the both of us and smiled at only me.

"Good morning, Mr Styles!" Then, his eyes wandered to Camila and gave her a nod of acknowledgement. "And Ms Cabello."

"Good morning, Professor Smith," we both said in unison and bowed to greet him.

We scurried into the hall. I gave Taylor a look. She was sitting with that Kenneth guy and trying to avoid my gaze. I tried to ignore her as well but my mind kept thinking that maybe, tomorrow, she might be gluing herself to me again.

Camila found a seat and said that I should sit next to her. So I did. Part of me think that this could make Taylor jealous of this "relationship".

The lesson started.

"The school is starting a team of capable reporters who will be writing the latest news happening in the school. I am asked to choose a group of five students to try out for the job." Professor Smith's eyes met mine. My heart skipped a beat. He pointed at me, smiling.


I pointed at my chest. "Me?"

"Who else am I pointing at?" He chuckled a little.


"Well, you are very skilful writer."

"Fiction-wise, Sir, not factual accounts," I stated, although in my heart, I knew I was not that skilful of a writer.

"Why not give it a try?" He gave me an encouraging smile.

I bit my lip, hesitating. "Sure." I mean it would be quite good exposure to other genres of writing.

He clapped his hands together with satisfaction. "Great!" He scanned the room for another victim for this activity.

"Kenneth!" he exclaimed.

"Crap," I whispered.

"What?" Camila asked softly.

"Taylor's boyfriend." I looked at her. I ended up having my eyes on Kenneth who was giving Professor Smith a sweet innocent smile while Taylor stared at him admiringly. Ugh. Stop being jealous because she never liked you in the first place so you shouldn't too.

Camila said something but it was muffled by my thoughts.

"Huh?" I said, diverting my attention back to her.

"Who's Taylor?" Then, her lips shaped into a 'O'. "Is it that blonde who didn't recognise you but ended sitting with you yesterday?"

"Yeah." I forced a smile. I noticed Kenneth glancing at me. He was smiling. Not a evil grin, which I expected. But a friendly one. Hm.

"You like her?" Camila asked. She turned around and gave Taylor a look. Kenneth was now paying attention to Professor Smith, picking yet another victim. She turned back to face me.

"I don't know..." I said. I sighed and faced forward. I dropped my voice to a whisper. "I really don't know, Camila..."

I saw Camila frowning at the corner of my eye. Then, her name was called. She nearly jumped in her seat. I stifled a small laugh and a small smile slipped onto my lips.

Taylor was chosen next.

Then, some girl called Natalie.

"I will brief you five after lesson today." Professor Smith smiled triumphantly like he knew he would win the lottery by betting our lives on this job.

Woohoo. Can't wait.










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