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It's going to be alright. He's going to stop giving you that look like he's going to kill you after lesson.

"Are you okay, Harry?" Taylor asked, concerned.

"Yeah..." I nodded, grinning. My attention was back at my laptop screen. Then, I remembered that Taylor didn't even knew who I was yesterday. How could she know my name? My heart skipped a beat. This situation is getting creepier by the minute.

"How do you know my name?"

"Don't I always?" She laughed like I just told her a joke. Or she's laughing because I am the joke.

"But yesterday... you didn't recognise me?"

Her eyebrows raised. "I wasn't here yesterday..."

"What... But-"

"Sorry, class! I'm a little later than usual!" Professor Smith exclaimed. My attention was drawn to the lesson that began and Taylor's conversation with me somehow ceased to exist, just like that.

Until the class ended. We were not given any homework which was a good thing because then, I could update Forgotten. I glanced at Taylor and remembered our conversation from earlier on.

"What do you mean you weren't here yesterday?" I asked.

"Well, I was---"

"Taylor," the angry boy called. He was frowning and glaring at the both of us. I bit my lip. He had such defined cheekbones and jawline. His brown eyes glistened as he stared at me.

"But, Kenneth..." She pouted.

He gave her a look. Which seemed like what a father would give to his misbehaved daughter.

She sighed. Her blue eyes met mine. "I'm sorry, Harry. I have to go." She lowered her voice to a whisper with a cheeky smile. "Text me." She slipped a note under my hand and got up. Kenneth gave me one last glare before walking down the steps behind Taylor.

Camila was standing at the bottom of the steps, staring. She realised that I was looking at her and she quickly looked away. She hugged her books tightly to her chest and scurried out of the hall. Why does she keep looking at me? Is there something on my face? I self-conciously touch my face and didn't feel anything. I glanced into my laptop but couldn't see anything written on my face.

"Harry!" Professor Smith shouted. I looked up. The hall was empty. Only me and him. He was beckoning me down.

I hurriedly shut my laptop and stuffed it into my bag. I kept my head down as I skipped down the steps. I stood before Professor Smith. He was smiling.

I was nervous. It seemed like he was smiling out of sincerity yet he wasn't because it was too big a smile. "Er... Did I do something wrong, Professor?"

"No, no, not at all." He kept smiling which made me feel really uneasy. I gave him an expectant look.

His voice dropped to a whisper although we were the only ones in the hall. "Are you the writer for that story..."

My heart skipped a beat. Please don't say...

"Forgotten?" His eyes glowed upon saying it. I bit my bottom lip a little too hard that I tastes the metallic flavour of blood.

"I... Er..." I scratched the back of my neck.

"It's okay. You can tell me."

"Well... Yeah..."

"Wow." He literally breathed that word out like I just said something really amazing. But how did he even know?

"You are a really extraordinary writer!" he exclaimed, patting me on the back. This time, I knew that the smile he had was a genuine one.

"Thanks." I laughed nervously.

"I found your writing skills in that passage quite similar to the one in Forgotten so I thought maybe you are the person who wrote it. And I was right!" He laughed.

I gave him a smile.

"Well, go on ahead. See you tomorrow!" he told me cheerfully. I thanked him for teaching us today and walked off.

"Do remember to update soon!" he shouted. I couldn't help but smile profusely. Turns out my teacher is a fan of my book. It sounds weird to say it but it was true.


I couldn't sleep.

She was there again.

Sitting at the side of my bed.

She often turns her head to face me. She kept whispering. I wished the words were clearer. I wanted so badly to understand why she was haunting me.

Just like that, I heard crackling like it was an old television show. Her voice.

"Harry... Please... Sorry... I love you..." Her figure then fades and I was staring at Louis who was lying on his bed, watching me.

"What?" I asked.

"Did you hear that?"

"What?" I repeated. How is he hearing it but not seeing it?

"A voice. A soft female one."

"You must be hearing things. Go to sleep." I turned to backface him and stared at the wall.

You must be seeing things too. Go to sleep.


aye. TWO MORE EXAMS yayyyy

i know the girl is kinda creepy but just imagine her like a hologram image, okay?


bye. i love you ♡




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