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Taylor's POV

I knew I couldn't get Camila to talk. She looked way too traumatised to speak. She must have saw something. It was either do it the hard way to find out or just simply find Harry. But how could we? Then, I remembered guardians can locate the person they are looking over.

"Natalie." I turned to look at Natalie who was sitting on Louis' bed, examining every corner of it for something. She looked up.

"You can track Harry, can't you? I mean, since he's the one you look over."

"Yeah... I can try." Natalie gave me a weak smile.

"What do we do about the demons in this area?" Kenneth asked.

"We need to get to Harry first because then we can find Rylie who is controlling them."

Kenneth pursed his lips together tightly. I knew what he was thinking. I was being all Harry-crazy but I was positive I wasn't. Was I? I mean, his safety is top priority at the moment. I don't want him to die. Not again.

I was squatting in front of Camila. I placed a hand on one of Camila's arms which were wrapped around her legs, her face buried between her abdomen and her thighs. She jumped a little at the contact.

"I'm so sorry..." I apologised. She shook her head slowly and her head fell onto her arms. I felt so helpless. I don't know what could be happening to Harry. I don't know what had happened to Camila and Louis. I don't know what can be done.

"I don't know where he is, Taylor..." Natalie whispered. I collapsed to the ground, burying my face in my hands. I couldn't cry. No tears came out. All I was doing was feeling this horrible feeling inside me. I had failed once again in keeping Harry alive. It's all my fault, for leaving him.

"Stop blaming yourself," I heard Kenneth said beside me.

"But I'm just going to lose him again."

"No, you won't. How are you sure he's going to be dead when we find him?"

"BECAUSE I JUST KNOW IT, OKAY?" I yelled, eyes meeting Kenneth's. He stared at me blankly, unshaken by my sudden anger. Before I knew it, his lips crashed into mine. My body tensed up but I never actually push him away. I even kissed him right back but then he pushed me back.

"I'm sorry, I just..." he mumbled, looking down.

"It's okay... I needed it."

His eyes met mine. I gave him a reassuring smile. He returned it. I took a deep breath and got up. I glanced at Natalie and then at Kenneth.

"We have to do it the hard way."

"What hard w---" Natalie stood up abruptly. "No, we can't."

"We have to. It's the only way we can know what had happened."

"What's the hard way?" Camila asked.

I faced her. "We have to get into your memory."

Camila looked both frightened yet intrigued at the same time. "By doing what?"

"Piercing the tips of our wings into the back of your neck."

"All three of you?"

"No." I gave Natalie and Kenneth a look before adding, "Just me."

"You know it's risky, don't you? You never done it before," Kenneth warned.

"It's worth the shot." I took a deep breath. Camila slowly got up with Natalie's help. I moved to stand behind Camila. I shut my eyes and tried cultivating calm thoughts.

Breathe, Taylor, breathe. I tried recalling how calm I felt when I kissed Kenneth. It felt so right yet so wrong but it did help me feel better from all the stress I had thinking about the possibility of Harry's death.

I raised my wings up and aimed the tips at Camila's neck. Natalie was squinting her eyes and Kenneth was staring intently at where my tips of wings were aimed to see if they were at the right place.

I took a deep breath again and I felt the tips sink into her neck. Her head threw back and I shut my eyes again.

The door shut. I turned around. Camila, Louis and Harry were all sitting on the floor.

"What do we do now?" Harry asked.

"I'm scared," Camila whispered, looking around the room.

Louis wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close. She laid her head on his shoulder. Harry seemed so alone in the room and he kept looking around, unsure of what to do or where to look.

I noticed a dark shadow lurk in a corner. It turned into a figure and it made its way slowly behind them, where they were vulnerable. It slid onto the ground since it was a shadow.

It chose its prey: Louis. Louis' eyes turned white instantly. He was squeezing tightly on Camila's waist. Camila started screaming in pain.

Harry began panicking. "What? Why are you screaming?"

"Let me go!" Camila shrieked.

Louis had his head threw back. He's feeding on her fear, which in turn instill more fear into her after that.

"Louis!" Harry began prying off his hand from her waist. Camila kept struggling but it was rather obvious that the supernatural has more power than a mortal.

Louis' head then turned immediately as his eyes glared at Harry. His hand left Camila's waist and Camila fell backward, too weak to move.

Louis stood up and bend down to grab Harry's collar. Then, he carried him up, leaving Harry hanging helplessly in his arm.

"Louis, what are yo---" Harry saw how white Louis' eyes were, like how he saw Kenneth's. I ran forward and landed my hand on Louis' arm.

I saw visions of the house. The house Rachel kidnapped me to. The house we all got tortured in.

Harry is there.

My eyes burst open, light letting itself into them. I needed time to adjust to it. Camila had fallen to the ground. I still saw her chest heaving up and down but she was lying lifeless.

"Are you okay?" Kenneth asked, rushing forward, hands gripping onto my shoulders. I was breathing heavily.

"Yeah." I gave Camila a look. "Is she?"

Natalie was squatting before her and she looked up, nodding.

"Did you find out where they went?" Kenneth inquired.

"Yes." My heart skipped a beat. "I know that place all too well."



oh um creds for the idea of looking into the memory to teen wolf (YOU SHOULD WATCH IT BC ITS FAB AF OKAY)







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