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My heart was beating so fast and loud that I could hardly hear my footsteps as I made my way down the steps to the centre of the lecture hall. Camila was cursing softly under her breath as she trailed behind me.

I stood before the class and next to Professor Smith. Camila hurried to my side, standing a safe distance away. I gripped onto my laptop tightly as I looked at the eyes which were glued on us three. I avoided Taylor's eyes so I wouldn't feel too pressurised or maybe it was because I was just being jealous.

"Our first presentation will be by Mr Styles and Ms Cabello." He turned to face us. His eyes went from me to Camila. "So who will be reading it?"

I pointed at her, just to find her pointing at me. Professor Smith raised his eyebrows. He sighed and rubbed the centre of his forehead with his thumb and index finger. "Whose story is this?"

"Harry's," Camila immediately spat out.


"Then, Mr Styles shall be the one who would read it." Professor Smith glanced at me expectantly.

I bit my bottom lip and carefully opened my laptop. I could tell that Camila was secretly smirking at the corner of my eye. I tried my best to keep my cool. It's going to be over soon. Pretend no one is watching and you are just someone who has to read an entire passage out for your own pleasure.

I looked up at the faces again and "accidentally" caught Taylor's eyes. She had a confused look on her before she giving me a reassuring smile which seemed a little reluctant. I took a deep breath before reading:

Silence falls across the room.

I never meant for this to happen. All I want to do is to shut him up. I never meant to do any of this... This voodoo magic shit. I stare at the body that lay lifeless on the ground. Blood is pooling below his body. Everyone is staring at me, even those who are my only friends. No, were.

My mind keeps replaying what had happened. He pushed me too far. He and his stupid little clan. Always picking on what they see in me. Flaws, that is. He had to shove me to the ground and remind me how much of a freak I am.

She made me like this. My mother. It's all her fault. She made me become this horrible creature. She has to be some fallen angel from somewhere and to marry someone who is even darker than she already is. I hate her. I hate these powers. I hate myself.

"Anabel." My attention is diverted to my closest friend. Fiona. Even she is frightened. I can tell by the distance she is purposely keeping and the soft comforting voice which is meant to be used in conversations with animals or freaks, like me.

My breathing is heavy. It feels like the fire from my anger is engulfing my lungs, making it hard for me to breathe.

"I didn't meant to do this, Fiona. Please..." I move a few steps forward, praying she won't step back. But she does.

"Please... Fiona... You saw what he did to me, didn't you?"

Fiona's eyes wander from mine to the body. The life that I just took away. "It doesn't mean... It doesn't mean you can... can just... do that..."

"Fiona..." I whispered again, hoping to persuade her that I am anything but pure evil. But somehow, I am. I can't stop cursing my mother for this. I step closer to where she is. She stumbles backwards and eventually runs.

That was how I lost her.

The only friend I had.

The only person who understood me.

I caught my breath. The long silence in the hall was killing me and the stares were too. Some seemed like stares of admiration. Or maybe I'm being way too optimistic.

I looked at Professor Smith who was looking through my passage.

"I'm speechless, Styles."

But you just said something. I kept that thought to myself as much as I wanted to say it aloud.

He gave me a smile. "This is quite impressive for someone who showed up late for today's class."

I returned him a sheepish grin. "Thank you, Professor."

"No problem. Now, return to your seats." He gently pushed me, hand on my back. I shut my laptop and walked briskly back.

"Styles," he called.

I turned around. "Yes?"

"Please do email me the passage."

My heart skipped a beat. "Y... Yeah... Okay..."

This wasn't so bad after all.


i may not update very often as these few weeks are my exam weeks and hopefully you guys can understand. Thank you so much for 200+ reads! :)

maybe i can reach 100 votes soon ? thank you so much for reading. I LOVE ALL OF YOU BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE ♡♡♡






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